My green thumb doesn’t exist. Â
I’ve killed house plants, basil, cilantro, and even mint.
Sprouting is either idiot-proof or it doesn’t count as growing something, because I succeeded in sprouting my own chickpeas!
Why would I want my chickpeas to grow little tails? Â It’s healthy, of course!
Benefits of sprouting raw chickpeas:
- Nutrients increase their concentration: proteins by about 20%, nucleic acids by 30%, and many vitamins by as much as 500%
- High enzyme activity stimulates the body’s own enzymes into greater activity, giving you more energy
- Sprouted seeds are easier to digest since complex carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, and proteins break down into amino acids; both are easier for the body to process and promote our ability to absorb minerals in the food
- Seeds use energy to grow a sprout; therefore, sprouted seeds have fewer calories than in their whole form
- Sprouts have a number of anti-cancer properties.
The other benefit is that it’s one more way you can incorporate raw foods into your diet.  Eating raw gives me more energy, is cleansing (the improved digestion is no joke!), and – maybe its just me – feel a little “high.”
It has taken me a long time to attempt sprouting because I always thought it was a complex process. Â Notsomuch. Â This may be the easiest thing I’ve done in the kitchen (PB&J sandwiches aside).
How to Sprout Chickpeas:
- Rinse 1/2 cup of dried chickpeas and place in a wide-mouth container.
- Cover chickpeas with water, then cover the container with cheese cloth or other mesh, secure with a rubber band or tape, and let soak for 24 hours.
- Drain and rinse the beans through the cloth, then drain again.
- Store the jar out of direct sunlight at room temperature atop a kitchen towel. Â Lay the jar on its side with the bottom propped up so that excess water drains onto towel.
- Rinse and drain the chickpeas once every 8-12 hours for 36-48 hours (depending on how large you like your peas). Â The tails should be about 1/4 inch long.
- Rinse and drain once more, and allow sprouted chickpeas to air dry. Â To store, place then in a container or plastic bag and refrigerate for up to 5 days.
I have been popping them like candy every time I pass the fridge; however, I’ve used them to make some awesome salads too.
Sprouted chickpeas are still a bit crunchy, which adds a great texture to dishes. Â The taste is more or less the same as it is when cooked, maybe just a bit earthier. Â It did give me energy – I busted out a few intervals on the bike while watching Desperate Housewives (don’t judge).
Here’s what my all-raw dinner looked like last night:
In my salad:
- Sprouted chickpeas
- Broccoli sprouts
- Red cabbage, shredded
- Broccoli slaw
- Red pepper
- Asparagus, julienned
- Yellow onion
- Celery leaves
- Raw sweet potato hummus dressing (1T of my sweet potato hummus recipe + 1 T apple cider vinegar + red pepper flakes)
Last week I set aside my fears and posted this ab-bearing pic… you guys couldn’t have been sweeter with all of your support.  It reminded me once again why I LOVE blogging.  I’ve met some of the coolest, most supportive people.  This community is among the most motivating and encouraging I’ve ever been apart of.  Thank you!!! 🙂
Sweat sessions last week were really satisfying.  I upped my weight in several workouts, tried some new moves, got my butt kicked by BodyRock, AND completed the CrossFit Dynamics course this weekend.  Tonight is my first “real” class… I’m a little nervous and very excited for a new challenge!
Workout Recap (2/27 – 3/4):
- Monday – P90X Cardio, Bike Intervals, 100 push-ups
- Tuesday – Tris/Chest, Core, 100 push-ups
- Wednesday – This 5-4-3-2-1 workout, Legs,100 push-ups
- Thursday –  Shoulders, P90X Ab Ripper X, Bike Intervals
- Friday – Biceps/Back, This BodyRock, 100 push-ups
- Saturday – CrossFit, 100 push-ups
- Sunday – CrossFit, Bike Intervals, 6 min plank intervals
Have you ever sprouted your  own seeds?Â
What was the best part of your weekend?
Lisa@thedailyrundown says
Wow! I’ve never heard about sprouting… So cool. I’m totally trying this asap, I can’t wait, thanks.
Matt @ The Athlete's Plate says
I’ve actually never sprouted anything. Thanks for the info!
Jay @ says
Love the idea of sprouting chickpeas. Thanks for the tip.
Laura says
Thank you! It was a cool experiment that I’ll be doing again. 🙂
Heather @ girlyeverafter says
The salad look to die for! I’m all about chickpeas and could live on hummus. Congrats on the nomination! Voting now;)
Laura says
Thanks Heather! 🙂
I wanted to make raw hummus, but I ate them too fast!
Suzi says
This is too funny. I have garbanzos sprouting right now. Here in Florida I have to rinse them more often becasue they will go sour rather quickly. I tried sprouting flax seeds but they kept sticking to the screen and they are oily. Have your tried sprouting those? Going to check out your nomination and congrats on the Top 9 also.
Laura says
Great minds – lol! This is my first time sprouting, but I would imagine smaller seeds in general are harder to do. Are you just using a jar?
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
this is crazy! i’ve been wanting to try sprouting by i’m just so nervous!!
Laura says
I was the same way, but there’s nothing to it!
Tiffany says
My sister is the sprouting queen! I am going to send this post to her! Happy Monday Chica! 😀
Laura says
Ohhhh… what does she like to sprout?
Lisa ♥ Healthful Sense says
Congrats on the nomination!! You deserve it!!
I need to start sprouting… I tend to stay away from lentils and chickpeas because of digestion issues and I know sprouting would fix that problem!!
Laura says
Thank you, Lisa!
I’ve never had a digestion issue with them – I’d love to know if sprouting helps you.
Parita @ myinnershakti says
Congrats on your nomination, Laura! My fingers are crossed for you!
I can’t wait to hear about your Crossfit experience – do you plan to do it regularly now?
Laura says
Thanks! Not sure yet… I’m going to do it at least for my 1 month membership. 🙂
Lee says
That raw meal looks delicious. I’m sure you will love the real CrossFit class. Can’t wait to hear about it.
Rachel @ My Naturally Frugal Family says
I have been wanting to try my hand at sprouting…but thought it might be too much work (even after I read the directions).
I think I am just going to have to get over myself and try it…yours look awesome and I THINK I can remember to follow all of the directions.
On a separate note I voted for you (#20 baby)…best of luck with that.
Back to a previous convo on tattoos…I have one and it is a 4 leaf clover (shout out to the Irish roots).
Laura says
SO easy – just rise and few times and you’re done.
Thank you so much for the vote!!! Cheers to the Irish! 🙂
janet @ the taste space says
I had wanted to do my own sprouting for so long… and finally took the plunge with alfalfa sprouts. It takes 4 days but super easy… your chickpeas look even easier!! Did you buy special chickpeas. I used special organic alfalfa seeds because I was worried about contamination but I don’t remember seeing sproutable chickpeas for sale anywhere (although I haven’t really looked too hard).
Laura says
Can you sprout alfalfa in a regular jar too? I used plain chickpeas from the farmer’s market – same kind I used to cook. The only caution I saw was to wash them first.
janet @ the taste space says
I sprouted alfalfa in a regular jar, but I used a fine mesh lid (cheesecloth would work too). Towards the end you would need bigger holes to let the husks escape, though. This is a reasonable video which shows what I did:
Laura says
Oh neat! I’ll have to try this next – thanks!
RavieNomNoms says
This is so funny that you mention this! I was just reading at the gym in Food & Wine about how to sprout your own veggies, grains, etc. You did great! I am definitely going to have to try this. I am interested!
Laura says
Ha! I love that I’m not the only one who reads about food at the gym. 🙂
sportsglutton says
Sprouting? Interesting….I might actually have to give this a try. Thx for sharing the knowledge.
janetha says
well that seems easy and fun. i want to try it!
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
Congrats on the nomination, and congrats on sprouting chickpeas. They’re so cute with their little tails.
Laura says
Thank you! I thought their little tails were cute too. 😉
Candy @ Healthy In Candy Land says
I did a ton of sprouting last summer–we had every kind of sprout you can think of. Except chickpea sprouts! For some reason I thought you had to buy special sprouting varieties. Did you just use regular dried chickpeas, like from a bulk bin or bag? This reminds me, I have some peas waiting for me to sprout.
Congrats again on the nomination–it is totally deserved.
Laura says
Cool! What was your favorite? I just used regular chickpeas… haven’t died yet… 😉
Thank you!!
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
Sprouted chickpeas?? Weird! But now i have to try it. I always have dried ones in my house (like way too many actually) and I love the idea of throwing them onto a salad for a crunchy topping… I guess it works with other legumes too, right? I like the idea of making a little science project in my kitchen!
Laura says
I think it works with anything… I know people sprout lentils and adzuki beans a lot!
Carol @ Lucky Zucca says
Congrats on sprouting!! That is so cool! I want to try it now. I hope you’ll enjoy “real” crossfit! Let us know what you think!
Cucina49 says
I’ve never tried sprouting anything–but I’ll bet these would taste great in pasta with a little goat cheese and some herbs. It wouldn’t be raw, but it would be tasty for sure.
Laura says
Definitely! Or tossed with some tzatziki and olives… mmmm!
Heather @ Better With Veggies says
I have been wanting to try sprouting – I’ve heard lentils are another good one to try out. I thought it would be more complicated, thanks for the instructions! Do you think a mason jar would be a good container (I have tons of those)?
Laura says
A mason jar would be perfect. Just make sure it’s a big one. Mine started out in a mason jar… they expanded a lot while soaking I had to transfer to a larger container.
Laura says
I somehow missed the ab post, I’ve gotten behind on my reading– awesome progress! In Ithaca, I was sprouting a variety of beans for a short time, and then got out of the habit and forgot about it… I’ll have to get back at it!
Laura says
Thanks Laura! Sprouting seems like a good springtime activity. 🙂
Laura @ LauraLivesLife says
You better BELIEVE I’m going to go vote for you – but first, I’m glad you posted about this. I actually LOVE sprouted beans (and brown rice) but didn’t think I could do it! I can’t wait to try it!
Laura says
Thank you so much! 🙂 I had NO idea you could sprout brown rice… that is next on my list now.
Jenny @ simply be me says
My husband put a bag of sprouting seeds in my stocking at Christmas – it’s so easy and we end up with a nice mix of sprouts in just a few days.
Laura says
What a cool stocking-stuffer! Did you just do it in a jar or a special sprouting thing (I’m blanking on the name)?
Allison @ PickyEatingRD says
I actually assumed that sprouting was a lot more difficult like you had thought! But, from the looks of it, seems very easy. I might have to give this one a go sometime!
Kiri W. says
Interesting! I’ve never sprouted anything, and if I had more space and a less nosy cat, I would absolutely love to try. Sounds like a hit!
Laura says
I actually stored mine in a cabinet while they sprouted (the only dark place I had!). That may be a good hiding place from your cat. 🙂
Meg says
WOW WOW WOW! First off, congrats on the nom girlfriend!!!! SO proud of you! And I totally agree with you. I love blogging because of ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s amazing.
I am totally making that salad dressing too! Your food always looks so darn good.
P.s. let’s workout together sometime ok!???????????
Miss gorgeous abs 😉
Laura says
Thank Meg! You are one of the most inspiring girls I know. 🙂
Yesssss, we must workout together. We’ll have to strategize blogger conference or something!
Rachel says
Cool! Looks like a little science experiment (in a good way). My mom gave me her old sprouting jar that she never used for Christmas and I have yet to use it. Looks like I’m missing out. I do have some dried chickpeas in my cupboard!
Laura says
I felt like it was a science experiment!
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
I know I already commented once, but am so excited and just had to tell you that I made your chili nutty tofu (sorta) and baked it in the oven- and it was PERFECT. It was the best tofu I have ever made! 🙂 I’m surprised I actually took some photos of it, because it was devoured within minutes. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!
Laura says
Gah! Lauren – you just made my night! I want to see pics – are you posting it?
Grubarazzi (@Grubarazzi) says
What a cool idea! I never knew that about chickpeas. Now, I will certainly try it. That salad looks killer!
Greg says
Wow, you make those sound really good. I haven’t done this or roasted chick peas. I need to get on the ball.
Laura says
You haven’t roasted them?! It’s like popcorn – totally addicting. 🙂
Baking Serendipity says
I’ve never heard of sprouting before! So long as it doesn’t require a green thumb, I can definitely handle this 🙂
Laura says
LOL! Glad to hear I’m not the only one who suffered from the “black” thumb. 😉
Khushboo says
Congrats on the nomination, Laura- off to vote for you :)! I thought I was good with boiling my chickpeas at home (as opposed to canned) but clearly you’re one step ahead of me- I am totally going to try….was there any difference in taste?
Also good luck on cross fit, I hear it’s killer but I think you can handle it 🙂
Laura says
Thank you so much! 🙂
Not a big difference in taste, perhaps a bit earthier. I really like the crunch they have!
Ashley @ Freckles & Spice says
I am right there with you on the green thumb thing! I’ve killed bamboo – Its suppose to be impossible!
Sprouting is something I’ve really wanted to do. Maybe in Binghamton when I have more space.
You are awesome for posting the ab pic and focusing on a weakness! And good luck with crossfit – when I played rugby a lot of girls did it. I thought about it for a while too. Can’t wait to read about your experience with it.
Laura says
Now I kind of want to get some bamboo just to see if I can keep it alive. LOL!
You really don’t need a lot of space to sprout. Just a jar and a place to put it – I actually stored mine in a kitchen cabinet.
Ashley @ Freckles & Spice says
I live in an NYC sardine can. I don’t even have room for another jar of anything anywhere! Everytime I open a cabinet or the fridge something falls out. My roommate will be so happy when I’m gone.
true indigo says
Sprouting beans makes me feel like raw earth mama. Love this post!
Ashley @ Freckles & Spice says
Haha, raw earth mama. I love that!
Laura says
Funny you should say that… an old classmate just emailed me out of the blue and called me a hippie. LOL!
Turtle-speed Runner says
That is an epic amount of pushups you have been doing!! Well done!
I’ve always wanted to do some sprouting myself but can’t be bothered…well, can’t be too hard if you think you can’t do garden stuff but have managed to sprout!
Laura says
It is super easy! i’m about to do another round today. 🙂
Nadiya @ Milk and Honey says
Cool! I have sprouted mung beans before but never chickpeas. I wonder if this will work with other beans as well…
Laura says
For sure! People sprout all kinds of things.
Minty says
YUMMY! Definitely on my “to-try” list now. Thanks for this easy guide. 🙂
barb says
My sprouted chickpeas have a few black spots on them. Is this mold? Should I chuck them?
Laura says
I have no idea… but I’d say when in doubt throw it out!
Hala says
Thank you so much for this helpful info! My mom has always preached me about the importance of sprouting! She used to make sprouted wheat for us all the time and it sure did give me energy! It’s time that I try sprouting them on my own 🙂
Kierston @candyfit says
I’ve not sprouted anything before. This does seem pretty easy 🙂
Congrats on the nomination!
I had a fab weekend of fun with the family 🙂
Laura says
It was shockingly easy! 🙂
Glad you had a good weekend!