I’m slow sometimes.
Ok, a lot of times… especially in the morning.
Last year was the first time I’d ever heard the term “Blend.” Now I have some amazing blends. These people continually inspire me, push my thinking, and are some of the best friends I’ve ever had.
My Blend, Kat, writes a bi-weekly a guest post on this blog. Yesterday she included a recipe for Cocoa-Cinnamon-Cayenne Roasted Sweet Potatoes. I wanted them for breakfast… so I blended her recipe with a breakfast many of you have daily – oatmeal – to start my day with a strange but good treat!
If you are volume eater (and I am), you’ll especially love this. The sweet potato and the egg whites fluff this up so it’s like a giant bowl of sweet potato custard! The cocoa is more a secondary flavor – I didn’t want to be straight up eating dessert – but you could add more if you want.
Don’t be afraid of the cayenne. Start with a little and go from there. The hint of heat on the end of eat bite is a fun surprise to the palate!
Cocoa-Cayenne Sweet Potato Oatmeal
- 1/4 C oatmeal
- 1/4 C mashed sweet potato
- 2 tsp cocoa
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp cayenne (adjust to your liking)
- 1/2 tsp maple extract
- 1/2 C egg whites (optional)
- Optional toppings: ground flax, cacao nibs, and blueberries
Cook oatmeal as usual.
Meanwhile, mix together sweet potato, cocoa, cinnamon, and maple extract (you could also use vanilla) in a small bowl. You may need to add water to keep it moist.
When oats are just down, stir in sweet potato mixture until well-combined. If using, add egg whites. Stir constantly to ensure that eggs are well-incorporated and don’t become scrambled.
Transfer to bowl, add toppings, and enjoy!
One of my best blends, Heather, made a Strange But Good recipe that was linked up here a couple of weeks ago! Our other best blend, Heather 2, created this scrumptious Lip Smackin’ Vegan Mac, which Heather 1 used to top her burrito stuffings. Strange but awesome!
Speaking of Blends… registration opens for the Blend Retreat opens SUNDAY! Doesn’t someone want to sponsor me?
Check out the site. Register. Trust me. This was the BEST retreat I’ve ever been on . Lindsay, Janetha, and Katie did a fantastic job getting sponsors, organizing activities, and leaving enough down time for us to all get to know each other.
It’s also where I fell in love with Heather!
Alright, my strange but good blends… show me your weird food!
The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above.
In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
Thank you all sooooo much for all of the kind words about the adventure race. This weekend… I’m resting. 🙂
What is your favorite way to prepare sweet potatoes?
Are you going to Blend???
STRANGE BUT AMAZINGLY GOOD COMBO: Ketchup & Raw Spinach! OHH man, I crave the combo, lol!!! Everyone thinks it’s RAUNCHY, I think it’s DELICIOUSNESS 😀
I have to admit… I’m in the raunchy camp, but only because I don’t like ketchup. Unamerican, I know…
The best “Strange but good” combo for me this week: 2 ingredient pancakes i.e. just 2 eggs & 1 banana. I was so convinced it would end up tasting like a sweet omelet but thankfully it tasted LEGIT!
Yum! Try it with a sweet potato or pumpkin too – sooo good!
Strange but amazingly good (but definitely not healthy!!) combo: twizzlers plus nacho cheese. I found this out when I was a kid and I’d come into the lodge from ski club, I haven’t tried it in years, I don’t know if I’d still find it appetizing. I’m planning on going to blend this year, and pretty excited about it. I met Lindsay at Fitbloggin and I’m looking forward to seeing her and meeting so many new people!
Ok, yeah… you win strange but good with that combo.
Can’t wait to see you at Blend!!!
I’m still looking into if I can make Blend happen, because I’d love to go! 🙂
I don’t know that I can narrow it down to one favorite sweet potato recipe–I have yet to find one I don’t like. My favorite way to eat them is relatively simple . . . baked, topped with black beans and generous amounts of hot sauce. With a side of broccoli or brussels sprouts, it’s one of my favorite dinners. 🙂
I hope you can!!!
Yep! I made it happen! Woo hoo!! 🙂
Love the photo of you and Heather together!!
So bummed that I can’t make Blend this year (again)! Doesn’t my family know to check with me first when it comes to picking dates for weddings and other events? Jeez!
I love throwing sweet potato in my oats. I’ve never added cayenne though…must try!
um yes…that oatmeal sounds AMAZING!!
i think we need to BLEND once a month, yes? strange but good is my middle name these days… thanks to you. YEA!
YES!!! Make it happen, Cotter. 🙂
That oatmeal looks incredible. I’ve never thought of adding sweet potato to my oatmeal! And I really want to go to BLEND!
Thank you! I hope you do make it to blend! 🙂
Those oats sound fantastic to me. Hard to go wrong with a sweet potato of course. I wish I could make it to the Blend Retreat! Sounds like so much fun. Wish they had it twice a year 😉 I’m trying to think of any strange but good combos I’ve had lately, but I’m blanking.
That oatmeal is so interesting! I really think I need to try it! I wish blend was closer to me because I would love to go! Sounds like a blast.
Come anyway! I’m flying across county!
Sweet potato in oats… I need that! I really want to go to Blend… lots about this spring/summer is up in the air, as it looks like we’ll be moving, so I have a feeling it isn’t going to happen this year. 🙁
AWWWWWW! I was so hoping you’d be coming. 🙁
I wish I could attend the retreat. I remember everyone’s recaps last year, and they all sounded fun!
Boo! You should come. We can carpool… on the same plane… 😉
i’ll be there!
And i’m trying this oatmeal out tomorrow!
Awwwww blends <3 so cute 🙂
I totally thought that your recipe would be oats and sweet potato with those spices 😉 YAY ME
They look awesome to me!
I’d love to attend that retreat!
Love ur hair btw!
well I’m hosting a dinner party this Sunday in honor of becoming a yoga teacher!! So I think this will be a good recipe 🙂
I seriously love all your random combos!!! Yummm. And how do you look great with any hairstyle?!?!
Thank you!!! it’s really the same hair in a billion different colors. 😉
Ahh, I would love to meet you at Blend! I’m saying I’m going (buying a ticket) but it’s really contingent on if our house sells back in Illinois as to whether I can get a plane ticket and lodging. Fingers crossed!!
I hope you do make it!!! Would love to meet you. 🙂
You know what’s sad? 1/4 tsp. of cayenne is probably way too much for a spice wimp like me – I’m not even sure that I’d be able to handle half of that. Adding sweet potatoes to oats sounds like a great idea though. I’ve gone the pumpkin route and was a little less than impressed with that, so maybe SP’s will do a little better with my tastebuds… usually I just bake em up and throw some almond or coconut butter on top.
As for Blend, I really want to go but I’m still undecided. With all the talk about it lately, though… eeee I’m getting all excited and might just have to give in.
LOL! You know what’s really crazy? I actually added more to mine. Let me know if you try it! And be sure to just use a pinch of the heat. 😉
Oh… and COME TO BLEND!!!
sweet potato can be made in anything, i am slowly learning that
GAAH I have really been trying to justify Blend this time … it is one week away from VVC, and this year I am going to be even more involved/active than last year… I know I’ll need to be in Portland then. ONE of these days, I’ll get there!
I have another SBG for ya soon… it’s a GOOD one!
One of these days I’ll get to Portland! I’m actually thinking a wine trip is in order this summer…
I love the combo of cocoa and cayenne! You get the sweet with the spice.. mmm mm good!
Sugar and spice and everything nice. 😉
three cheers for blends 🙂
I don’t know if I can get on board with mixing cocoa into my sweet potatoes. Everything else, sure, but cocoa? This is strange…. 😉
Blend looks like fun, maybe next years since there is already so much in my schedule for this year. Oh, and it’s also in UTAH, so opposite end of the US for me.
I am SO making that mac and cheese too. How incredible does it look? I may de-veganize it though by topping with some sort of extra protein (like shrimp). Mmmm!
Happy Friday!
Seriously. It’s good. Trust me? 😉
Opposite end of the US = poor excuse! I’m going and it’s not next door to ATL. Come to Blend!!
I’ve actually had sweet potatoes and oats together before and it’s amazing. Speaking of cayenne pepper, some Indian friends of mine actually sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on their fruit… Weird ha? But it’s actually quite tasty. Man why can’t they have all these get-togethers in Canada -.-
I do that too! Love salt on watermelon… and I put pepper and cinnamon on my apple slices this morning! There’s a German dessert that is strawberries, whipped cream, and pepper. Strange…but good!
I think most of my meals are strange blends! I’m more of a throw together what I have type of cook so I come up with a lot of random mixtures, like soups with all different types of veggies thrown in. As long as it tastes good, right? 🙂
I love that! Totally my cooking philosophy. 🙂
I love all your strange but good combos:) I’m a lame-o with spice, so I don’t know if I could handle even that little pinch ha. It’s kind of sad. Mannn, Blend! I SO want to go! I’m kind of afraid of flying so it’s a big deal to me haha. I may just have to get over that one. I want to see/meet everyone! And it kind of sounds like the most fun ever.
You could! The creamy oats and sweet potato really tone it down. But yeah… start small. 😉
SO excited you’re coming to Blend!!!
You are all genius!!!!! I am in awe & YUM & EASY!!!!! 🙂 PS: I did mean yesterday & nothing to take away from the guest blogger – YOU are amazing & such a beautiful lady!!! Have you ever thought of modeling – you are perfect looking for that & fitness modeling…
You know I think of you everytime I make something “easy” now? 😉
Thank you so, so much. Definitely not model material, but I appreciate the MASSIVE compliment. 🙂
Oh man, I can’t wait to see all you ladies at Blend again! And a girl can only dream for sponsor, but my bank account begs for it! 😉
Same here!!! And yeah… I didn’t get a sponsor. Wahhh!
Oh wow! That oatmeal sounds intriguing!
Since you used my pic this week, do you forgive me for not linking again! I’m thinking whatever crazy vodka creation I make for MMAZ should be appropriate next week for sure. 🙂
I’m so excited we get to be roomies in just a few months!!
No worries… I had good vodka intentions… then realized I didn’t have vodka… doh.
Rommies!!! Woot!
we love your eats!! even if strange 😉
we hope to make it to blend retreat this year!
I am SO glad you guys are coming!!!
So excited to see you at Blend again! <3
Thanks for the fun link-up!!
As a stick to the recipe cook I’m fascinated by the blend concept. You always have the yummiest recipes! I’d love to go to the retreat!
Thank you! I try to stick to recipes… but I continually fail. 😉
Sweet potato oatmeal sounds so good!
I’m sorry I kind of failed this week…I had hoped to get my herbed savory protein bars ready in time, but they aren’t QUITE perfect yet…and the multiple snow days sort of zapped my motivation. [Funny how that works.]
Anyways, I love this recipe, and, as usual, it doesn’t seem at all strange to me. 🙂
P.S. Oh my goodness I’m so nervous about not getting a ticket to Blend! Did you know it was a post you wrote last year after signing up that made me go to the first one???
Did you really?! And now we’re roomies!!!! So flippin’ excited.
Lauraa mmm sweet potato oatmeal, need to add that to the list of things to try! You look so pretty in that photo w/Heather! The blend retreat sounds awesome too!!
Thank you so much! Please let me know if you do try it. 🙂
the logo looks great! love the design. 🙂
Thank you!!
Why are you so damn tan in that picture. I’m jealous; it must mean you’ve seen the sun in your recent past. I’m starting to get stir crazy over here with all the snow, cold, and dark. I’m like a bear hibernating in it’s cave. And that picture is practically blinding or I am losing my mind. I think I need to up my vitamin D now. 🙂
Hope you’re having a great weekend.
LOL! It was taken at Blend last May… rest assured I am pasty white at the moment. 😉
This looks sooo good. I love sweet potatoes, but they don’t love me. If I could eat them.. I would want them with cinnamon and coconut butter!
It is also good with pumpkin or butternut squash! 🙂
Hey Cutie! Love the idea of this post. So back in the day when I actually ate Wendy’s (and was pretty unhealthy growing up)…the best combo ever was a Wendy’s shake dipeed with French Fries! I know right! Or a peanut butter sandwich with fritos chips tucked in for the crunch. See I was a smart lil chef then at the age of 8 and I did not even know it. 🙂
Love this pancake idea here-YUM!!
YES! That Wendy’s combo was the bst. It’s actually the only thing I’ve ever eaten from there…
Never thought of Fritos and PB, but I bet its good. I did banana sandwiches with PB… mayo… and cheetos. With a side of pickle. Weird kid. I know.