It’s getting a little odd.
Next week should be really interesting.
I refuse to buy more food until I go. Â There’s enough in my freezer to feed a small African village me for months. Â Not to mention all the going away dinners and lunches. Â No way do I need to go shopping. Â But look out, Whole Foods San Diego.
As such, there are no real recipes.  There are concoctions, favorites from local spots, and dinners with my family (you know that always gets strange). Because when your house looks like this, everything is a little strange… but oh, so good.
I finally got my hands on the funky yogurts from Blue Hill.  I’ve had the butternut (below) and the sweet potato so far.  They’re pretty good, but a bit thin when you’re used to Greek yogurt.  After I added my own flare they were really good – protein powder to thicken them, a little stevia, cinnamon, and an array of toppings.
I still have the tomato and parsnip flavors in my fridge!
The cake below was gifted to me by one of my favorite Atlanta restaurants, La Tavola. Â It’s a flourless chocolate cake with sea salt, olive oil, and almond sliver brittle. Â It’s amazing – I can’t eat there without ordering it.
If you’re ever in Atlanta, go here. Â Eat at the bar and talk to Kris. Â Order the meatballs and the brussels. Â Have a glass (or two) of their biggest red wine. Â And don’t skip the cake. Â Tell them I said hi.
I’m also having dinners with my family.  For Fat Tuesday I made pork chops and cheesy rice.  The food was good but normal… what’s strange is that my mom now knows how to play Cards Against Humanity and a entire bottle of Whistle Pig (whiskey) plus two chocolate bars are gone.
No week is complete without pizza.  I make a bunch of my cauliflower crusts to keep them in the freezer for quick meals.  Frozen pizza say what?!
This was the last one I had in there.  It was topped with sautéed bell peppers, mushrooms, onion, and leftover pork.  I made a strange sauce out of pumpkin purée, salsa, and nutritional yeast.  Delish.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
I apologize in advance for the squirrel-like mature of blog posts for the next 2-3 weeks. Â You should be in my head… #strangebutgood
What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten before leaving town?
Would you play Cards Against Humanity with your mom? Â I have the coolest mamma ever.
I love your mom! And I’m just a normal cook I’m afraid nothing strange here.
I love her too. 🙂
Before I left for Thailand I literally hit up every single restaurant I loved or even kinda liked just because I knew it would be my last this included lots of In + Out 😉 haha Those yoghurts look interesting not sure I could eat those flavors! Have a smooth move to SD!! xo C
I’ve been doing that too! Trying to fit it all in… even though I know I’ll be back to visit a lot.
Dude, I’ve been to the San Diego Whole Foods haha- My cousin studied as UCSD (I think?) and we went there for lunch three times. Eat some of their tofu for me. I can’t wait to see what else you find in your freezer.
I will eat allll the foods there. No worries. 🙂
Now you made me want to go to Atlanta and eat at La Tavola!
If you come through here and have time, you should definitely check it out!!! It’s such a cozy little place.
I can’t imagine what I’d do if I were moving across the country. My freezers packed mostly with muffins. I was just thinking last night I should bring them to work now that Mom’s gone or sell them on eBay. If I could figure out how to ship them.
Now I want chocolate cake and wine for breakfast. Not sure I can make it 11 hours until pizza tonight but I’ll do my best! And Whole Foods anywhere is a must!
I would totally play cards against humanity with my mum, she rocks and nothing offends her!! Haha! add in a few glasses (bottles!) of wine and she would be hilarious! next family gathering methinks! 🙂
That’s awesome! Your mom sounds like she’d get along well with mine!
I’d imagine that you would be pretty boss at cleaning out your fridge/freezer. The other night I had a dinner of savory TVP, sweet potato with beet hummus, salad, and cereal. It was magical.
Is it weird that I think that sounds good? 😉
I tried to get my in-laws to buy Cards Against Humanity. They declined.
I’ve only been to La Tavola once – but it was the night I got engaged!
You should go back for you anniversary!
Ahh moving food. Always so interesting haha. I love that you keep cauliflower crusts in the freezer. Genius! Good luck with the rest of the clean out 😉
Yeah, no, I don’t see myself playing that game with my parental units at all! I have played with my sister and her BF a few times. It’s fun, but there are things I am learning about her now …. LOL
OMG that chocolate cake! The one bad thing about the small fridges in Europe is that they usually come with tiny freezers. I have enough space in mine for one ice cube tray, one bag of frozen veggies and one pint of ice cream. That’s it! So there is sadly no room for pizzas of any kind.
Haha I’m totally joining your “Europe”-team, Tara…. It’s SO annoying!
We have two freezers at home… one is off at the moment though, since my bro moved out and we are “only” three peeps on a daily basis! But still… it’s the size of the fridge!
I know for sure that a freezer is going to be on the top of my MOST-NEEDED-list when I’m getting my own space 😉
I know! I was shocked when I stayed with Lucie! I do love being able to walk to the market every day though. efintiely will be doing that in San Diego!
Love love love “Strange but good” meals 😀
Since I’m hyper-allergic /intolerant my meals often seem strange for others (note: my family ain’t that into healthy eating, so even plain salads and veggies tend to seem weird from their perspective!) 😛
That cake btw, looks divine!
Thank you! You should se my co-workers staring… hahaha!
Congrats on the job, btw.
I would not play Cards Against Humanity with my parents. I would be sooo uncomfortable. No joke I clicked on that chocolate cake pic 3x. I want it and the almond brittle!
Cards Against Humanity is awesome… though I don’t think I’d be able to play it with my mom! 😉 haha
you’ve got a pair on you.
Let me just say this now. No I don’t want to have sex with Patrick Stewart LMAO. And I think you know what photo I got stuck at… just look at that flourless cake… delish
I’d take the cake over Stewart any day. 😉
I’m the queen of strange but good, and I didn’t know you hosted this link-up until now. I’m on it! And my Mom is definitely fun, but I think I’d draw the line at Cards Against Humanity. That game is killer. By the way, I want a restaurant to gift me a cake. Enough said.
Hmm those yogurts sound very strange…I’ll be the judge on whether or not they’re good! Butter Nut and Sweet Potato sound somewhat palatable. But tomato sounds kind of gross. Maybe if it was used as a condiment? Like in place of mayo on a sandwich? I don’t think I could eat a savory yogurt by the spoonful. I look forward to your review!
I love my mom, but she definitely doesn’t share my sense of humor. Cards Against Humanity would be like….loss of innocence…for mom, not me. My sweet mom is way too sheltered. I wish I could share the fun!
They’re not super sweet, so you really could use them as condiments. I may explore that… I could bake some salmon with it!
So exciting that you will be closer – traffic here sucks going to SD but we will meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I can’t wait!!!
Cheesey rice sounds real good right now but I like anything with cheese. 🙂 Where ya moving to?! Have fun packing and migrating! I love Whole Foods, so expensive but their selection is outstanding hehe. Have a great weekend Laura! -Iva
Where the Whole Foods is – San Diego! 😉 I totally mapped it out to make sure we’re walking distance. LOL!
wait, so next week you move? oh how fun and tiring. LOL! i love the bluehill yogurts for dressings and smoothies but you are right, they are thin. Okay, enjoy packing. LOVE you
Yes!!! So close… and yet SO FAR. 😉
I need to make a dressing with that parsnip one!
San Diego Whole Foods. I think it’s in Hillcrest my favorite part of town. Well there and Coronado. GREG
We’re going to be right there in Banker’s Hill! I can’t wait to explore everything.
Woah, woah, woah…a parsnip flavored yogurt?! What is life?….I LOVE parsnips. Next to carrots, they may be my favorite veggie and I eat them way too often. Looking it up! And I would totally play Cards against Humanity with my mother. Already have actually. I played my very first game EVER with my fiance, mother, and father. Yup. It was fun.
I’m so with you on the parsnips and carrots – they’re deliciously sweet!
Ummmm… and your FIRST time with the whole family?! You’re a brave soul.
Cards against humanity with your Mother? That actually sounds like a great time, I think I’ll bring that game to the next dinner party my Mother hosts. I can’t wait to try the Blue Hill parsnip flavored yogurt, I think I’m going to head to whole foods right now to see if they have it. What else would I want to do on a Saturday Night? 🙂
I highly recommended it if your mom is anything like mine. It was a riot!
Did you try the yogurt??? WF is one of my favorite Saturday night activities. 🙂
You make cleaning out the freezer look good.
I’m actually running low with my freezer supplies, and it’s make me nervous. Then again, low is a relative term and the Hubby would tell you there’s plenty of stuff in there. I did finally finish my pesto from 2013. Now I need to work on the herb butters. It’s a rough life, I tell ya. 😉
You froze butter?!
I’ll freeze almost anything.
I’m freezing my tits off right now. *grumble grumble winter*
Better not be. You paid good money for those babies.
My mom would be in for Cards Against Humanity, but then again she is also Queen of Dirty Jokes.
HA! So is mine. People outside the family get uncomfortable. LOL!