Strange doesn’t have to mean all-new.
Things I’ve been doing for years are strange. Â Just ask my mother.
Many of my recent Strange But Good recipe creations were born out of old favorites.  Re-imaginations, if you will.
Oatmeal has always been a sweet treat for me. Â When we had oatmeal as a kid (usually on a Brinner night), it was doused with brown sugar and raisins. Â And butter. Â When mom wasn’t looking, I added more. Â I cannot believe I’m on obese.
I’ve seen versions of savory oats on Instagram and finally had to try it for myself.  Boy, am I glad I did!
I took my davory oats in the direction of Mexico.  I did cook my oats with cinnamon, but the toppings made that cinnamon a savory compliment.
Savory Mexican Oatmeal
- 1/2 C oatmeal (cooked)
- Cinnamon, to taste
- Runny egg
- Black bean salsa
- Cumin
- Nutritional Yeast
Prepare oatmeal as usual, adding cinnamon. Â Place cooked oatmeal in a bowl and add toppings. Â Devour.
Cauliflower pizzas have been an obsession for a while now.  I took my (cheese-less) crust and topped it with seafood Strange But Goodness:
Salmon Cauliflower Pizza
- Cauliflower pizza crust
- Wasabi paste
- Salmon
- Spinach
- Yellow Pepper
- Red Onion
The following day I repeated the crust recipe, except I turned it into pizza minis!  These were awesome to keep in the fridge during the week for little pizzas, or re-heated under the broiler to make crackers for my salad.
One Cauliflower Crust recipe gives you 4 minis.

Mini Cauliflower Pizzas

Cauliflower Crust Crackers with a trout-broccoli slaw salad
You guys saw this Simply Snackin’ jerky on WIAW. Â That one was a Strange But Good Flavor – Beef with Cranberry and Blueberry.
Yesterday I tried another version.  This one is Teriyaki Chicken with Mango and Papayas.  I can’t get over how good these are! Fruit in jerky… who would have thought?!
The company is offering a discount of you’d like to try them for yourself.  Enter SSjan2013 for 10% off at check out.
Now for the link up! Â The rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above.
In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends!  Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instragrams of your creations. 🙂
Junk-Free January is still going strong!  I've been experimenting with a high-fat diet... and I'll post about that on Monday.  It's been an adventure.
Have you ever made savory oats?
What have you eaten lately that's earned you stares from co-workers/family/friends?
Oh yes, strange but good is kind of my favorite posts! I always tend to like these the best. I don’t think anything is too weird for me. I need to try those mini cauliflower pizzas. Those are kind of the cutest things ever, and I love cute food!
Thank you!!! Let me know if you do try them. I think that was my personal top recipe of 2012. 🙂
I LOVE savory oatmeal (well, and savory TVP…) 😉
and the pizzas? yes please! I used to make a seared ahi + wasabi pizza – I recently recreated it no fishie! 😉 I will definitely share that once I post it.
happy Friday!
I can’t wait until you post that one! In the meantime, I may need to try the seared ahi pizza…
I love this idea! So fun – I usually get my strange ideas from other bloggers, like baked sweet potato with peanut butter and cinnamon!
Classic #strangebutgood! I make it in packcake form once a week. 🙂
That jerky sounds divine!
Are you seriously telling me you’ve gone THIS long without experiencing the pure and utter deliciousness of savory oats?! By far the BEST way to eat runny eggs! Love it!
That jerky sounds insane! I need to check it out and ya know, add it to the other bajillion snacks that are popping out of my pantry! Lol
I know, I know… but now I’m going to be unstoppable! I only wish I’d had an avocado to go with it.
I just discovered the ooey gooey goodness of runny eggs! Why did I not know that was unbelievably delicious? Gotta try it over oats! My theory is throw the kitchen sink and then some in oats. They’re that good!
Isn’t it divine? My favorite is Toad in a Hole. Or Eggs Diablo.
Savory oats are strange? Oops. Didn’t know that. 🙂
I haven’t yet tried your cauliflower crust! Chalk that up to “I see so many things every day I want to make and then I get home and eat the same bowl of randomocity I always eat. And peanut butter.”
PS All this jerky talk is reminding me of the jerky you brought me at Foodbuzz. Who knew vegan jerky would be so addictive? Maybe not as odd as what you’ve been eating…but still. YUM!
oooh, was it PRIMAL ?? that is my favorite (and … I never liked jerky!)
It was Primal! That stuff is good sooooo good!
I have never tried savory oatmeal…. but I think this is a sign that I should! I totally agree that everything is better with an egg yolk 🙂
I made savory oats a while ago and was actually thinking to myself this week that it’s about time I bring ’em back…with eggs & avocado :)! People need to think outside the box more- strange food is probably the best kinda food…and I know you agree!
Laura, I don’t think I saw the cauliflower pizza crust before. By the sound of it, it would count for almost nothing on WW. But I have a dumb question…quinoa flakes? Is that a cereal? If I couldn’t find that any suggestions for substitution? Loving Strange But Good!! Thanks!
Really?! That is a must-try… it’s so easy and would be great for a WW diet. Quinoa flakes can be found withthe hot cereals in Whole Foods. I’ve also used chickpea flour before.
Oh everyone keeps talking about savory oatmeal but I’ve never had it before. I’ve seen someone put avocado on theirs too! So cool!
I really wanted avocado, but I was out. Boo.
I haven’t had savory oats other than putting them in my bean burgers. I have no idea why…
I put butter on my oats when I was a kid because my grandfather did and that’s how my mom taught me to eat them. Now I load it up with chia and protein powder. I’m sure my grandfather would think my version was strange, but I’m not sure he would think it was good. I LOVE it though!
Have a great weekend Laura!
I made my mom oats with egg whites whipped in and she thought it was strange… she liked banana whipped in though! 🙂
I tried savory oats once, but I wasn’t sold. I like savory . . . and I like oats . . . but not together I guess. 🙂 However, cauliflower pizza crust is where it’s at!! Love that stuff–and topped with salmon is an excellent idea! Nice!
love me some mexican oatmeal, so do my hubs! and BUTTER! and YOU!
I love me some Lindsay!
I need to try that cauliflower pizza crust. I’ve been putting it off because I’m so worried I’ll mess it up but it looks to good not to try!
You won’t! I made them with a friend and she was suprised at how easy it really is.
I remember having oatmeal as a child and loving it with eggs and brown sugar.
I still love Oatmeal and have it
My bf. gave me a look re: my recipe for Chocolate Protein Fudge Berry Clusters….he was like…”what is that? It looks like a treat” … I told him to step away and that it was mine 😉 hehe
And there is that cauliflower pizza again! YUM!
I like savory oats better than sweet oats. I like to mix mine with one of those Laughing Cow cheese wedges. It kind of makes it taste like grits.
I have cauli crust pizzas on the menu for next week. I guess I’m going cauli overload since I’ve had a cauli “rice” curry bowl almost every day for lunch this week. I suppose there are worse things to O.D. on…. 😉
I think I have OD’d on worse… LOL!
ok i’ve never done the egg + oatmeal thing but this looks REALLY good!!
BRILLIANT savory oats. I’ve been wrestling with oatmeal this week. I’m trying to cut down on my grains (come to find out after juicing, then eating vegan, then eating no grains, and then eating “normal”, that not one of them bothers me, they all do when I eat mostly grains like I typically do). So I decided TVP is the lesser of the two evils (and the estrogen thing still really needs more proof before I’ll buy it), and I’ve been TVP-“oat”ing it up instead. Anyway, savory is great because I’m cutting down on my sugar too.
Thanks for the rec on the protein. I was between sun warrior and plant fusion last time and I went with plant fusion b/c it’s cheaper, and I wasn’t looking at sugar at that time, just whole ingredients and protein content.
What sugar do you add to sweet oats? I just use Stevia.
I was using honey. I don’t love the taste of stevia, but that’s beside the point. Any sweetener (including fruit) makes me want MORE sweet stuff, so I’m trying to stay away from all of it right now.
I have been doing TVP oats lately with carrot pulp and cinnamon. No need for sugar when there’s lots of cinnamon! 🙂
I’ve never had savory oatmeal before (and honestly never really wanted to) until I saw these delicious Mexican Oatmeal!!! I’m a huge mexican food fan and a huge oatmeal fan, so put these two together, and I’m in heaven.
*saw these delicious Mexican Oatmeal pictures!!!
Thanks! Let me know if you try it. The possibilities are endless!
oh man that all looks so good, I just am in awe how you get your cauliflower crust to be so crispy.
I love the idea of savory oats. I’ve never tried them but am thinking I’d like a version similar to what you did with yours. Is the wasabi paste you used instead of tomato sauce on your pizza super spicy? I like a little bit of wasabi, but used as the “sauce” on a pizza seems like it would be a bit much for me. Still, quite creative!
It’s spicy, but I didn’t use near as much as I would tomato sauce! and I really, really love heat.
I still have not tried savory oats. I keep wanting to, but just can’t get there quite yet. I am too addicted to my oats with cinnamon apples and PB 😉
It would make a great Brinner! 🙂
Savory Mexican oatmeal sounds awesome! I’ve never tried a savory version either, but sounds like it is time. Have a great weekend, Laura!
Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I never thought to add my weird savory oatmeals to this link-up! I get strange looks every morning with my bowls–and then even when they aren’t strange, I still get weird looks. (I made chocolate oatmeal–totally normal–this morning, and my coworker asked, “Are you eating mashed black beans for breakfast?!” And then I thought, man, that would be a good breakfast. If I could eat beans…) Anywho, turmeric + curry powder + oats is my current fave. Needs an egg on top now, that’s for sure!
So many interesting combos! I need to expand my culinary repertoire…
But I did try cottage cheese + hummus this week. Delish!
I love savory oats! My favorite way is adding some parm cheese + ham/ turkey bacon to the oats and topping them with a runny egg [or adding the egg right into the oats and letting it coat everything] 😀
Oh dear god that sounds divine!
I am digging the cauliflower crackers.
My coworkers see me as a “health nut” so they were aghast when I ate a pumpernickel bagel for breakfast today. First off, when did pumpernickel bagels become the devil, and why do they think I wouldn’t touch bread? A pumpernickel bagel isn’t even strange. Sigh….
Pumpernickel is weird??? I think they are weird. LOL!
Savory oats… mmm yes I do love them. My favorite was adding pasta sauce, hummus, veggies, and a fried egg. It’s been a while since I’ve had them because of intolerances, but I can’t wait to start adding them back into my diet.
Oats are always sweet for me too! I have seen savoury oats EVERYWHERE but I haven’t quite figured out where I stand on them yet (Obvs a big life changing decision! Ha!) Might suck it up and try them soon!
we used to always get stares when we drink green smoothies 😉
never had savory oats before but sounds yummy.
I can’t believe you guys haven’t made savory oats! Really though… what’s NOT good with a runny egg on top? 😉
Iiiiiiii really want those jerky packets. Muchly muchly. Salty chewy goodness. Also, if you find yourself within reach of vegemite, I love it in savoury oats 🙂
I have some! just can’t eat it due to my low-sodium diet. Boo hiss.
I meant to post my strangebutgood smoothie today, but never had time to write it up! I’ll be back in the groove next week. 🙂
No worries. You should have seen the last minute scramble I did for MMAZ this week. LOL!
I have still yet to try savory oatmeal, but I love cinnamon mixed with mexican flavors!!
I made Cinco de Mayo Mexican Oatmeal once with cinnamon, cocoa, and a little cayenne. Deeee-lish.
These are such fun posts!!! Savory oatmeal sounds good to me even though I am a sweet taste person! 🙂 FUN recipes!!!!
Strange is always good and delicious in your awesome posts 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
Love the mexican oatmeal idea!! Have a great weekend!
Love your eats, always so creative 🙂
Anyway, I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog. And asked some questions I’d love to get to know you more 🙂
That’s so sweet of you! Thank you!
i still have yet to try the cauliflower crust thing! i just feel like it’s SO much work for one crust hahahah – i know i know it’s laziness on my part. SOME day i’ll have to try it – but i honestly despise processing the cauliflower – it’s harder than people make it seem! love the mexi pizza idea though!
Mmmmm savory oats sound awesome!! I’ve never had savory ones either but I love the idea of making them like that. Especially with a runny egg. Anything with a runny egg, you can count me in. And mini cauliflower crusts?! You are a genius. Yet again, brilliance.
Wow, I’m almost famous. My text message is on your blog. Look out Hollywood.
Seriously. I can’t even get a timeslot any more.