I’ve been back in the gym for two days.
You don’t need a knee for upper body, bro!
I’m trying really hard to make sure I get allllll the protein to make sure I don’t lose a ton of muscle mass with this injury. So there have been a lot of shakes happening. Today’s is a little Easter-themed! In a #strangebutgood way, obv.
But first… an update. I had my MRI and went to the doctor for a follow up. Turns out I tore my ACL. At least it’s not the meniscus too… right?
Now we wait for the swelling do go down and the fluid to work its way out before he operates. I am supposed to stretch. I can ride a bike or do stationary equipment. Just nothing high impact, no quick starts/stops, and definitely no side to side. And no backpacking through Thailand. So… there’s that.
Vegas is being totally awesome. She’s been to every appointment, helped me carry weight at the gym, and poured me ample glasses of therapy red wine. I’m really lucky. ♥
But back to this smoothie bowl. It’s awesome. I’ve done carrots before in my Carrot Cake Batter Shake. In that one I use tofu to make it creamy… but this one uses something different to make it creamy. Sweet potato! It added to the orange flavor and the natural sweetness.
I used Growing Naturals rice protein in thins… I basically use it in everything protein I make. Seriously. It’s vegan, gluten free, and delicious There’s no added crap. It’s non-GMO. I accidentally stumbled upon these guys years ago on Amazon. Two thumbs up.
This fabulousness was topped with some pre-roasted cinnamon-cocoa kabocha and peanut flour. Both staples in the house. Even Vegas is onboard. (That’s when you know you’ve won #strangebutgood.)
[Tweet “Sweet Carrot Protein Shake… you’ll never guess the #strangebutgood secret ingredient!”]
Sweet Carrot Protein Shake
- 1/2 scoop vanilla rice protein
- 1/3 C Greek yogurt
- 1/4 C baked sweet potato
- 1 small carrot
- 1/2 tsp pie spice
- 5-6 drops vanilla liquid stevia
- 2 drops LorAnn cheesecake flavor
- Toppings: kabocha and peanut flour
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender with enough ice and water to achieve your desired amount of thickness. Blend until smooth.
I filled my Vitamix up initially with about 1/2 C ice and 1/2 C water. Almond milk would also be good. We were out.
Top as desired.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
I really, really appreciate all the comments, thoughts, and support with this knee thing. It sucks, but I’m so lucky to have such amazing people around me.
Anyone ever torn an ACL?
What are you plan this weekend? I’m going to try a bike ride!
Ah I am so sorry about your ACL! You will get better in no time and look back at this time and be so grateful you have such an awesome partner to help you through this rough time! Sending love and hope you get to bike ride and enjoy it!
Thanks friend! It’s slow-going, but whatever… 😛
You are so blessed to have Vegas to help you! Keep us posted on how you’re doing!
I love that you’re still getting your weights in. I used to always tell my clients “you can still SIT and be FIT!” Just keep taking your “therapy” drinks and you will be fine in no time!
Therapy is the best part. 😉
Sending you my strength and healing vibes :/ I don’t even know what I would do!
Yea, totally PUMP UP that upper body!
Thank you! I’m working out my right leg a lot too. LOL!
Oh my gosh I feel so bad for you! Praying for ya!
Thanks friend!
Sorry to hear about your ACL 🙁 I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly! This recipe looks awesome- love the sweet potato in there!!!
What would we do without our significant others? Seriously, I wouldn’t have had laundry or food without Alex being there while I was on crutches.
Thought, prayers, and good juju your way! I’m so glad you have Vegas!!!
And this shake sounds perfect! I may try it today!
Thank you! I’d love to hear what you think if you try it!
I’ve torn my ACL twice on the left side…it’s horrible. My advice: wait a while for the surgery. Spend that time building up your calves, quads, and hamstrings. They will atrophy immediately after the surgery, but the two months I spent between injury and surgery building up enormous leg muscles the second time around ended up cutting my recovery time in half because I had so much muscle memory. The hardest part of it all is the physical therapy and rehab after, and I made it really easy on myself by going into the surgery really strong.
ACL tears suck, period. The second time around the surgery and recovery was more intense, so I was off my feet for two weeks. But the surgeon expected me to be off of my feet for 4 weeks, and so I feel like while I didn’t want to push myself too hard after the surgery which is the worst thing you can do for the knee, pushing myself before allowed me to make life so much easier after. Get a great surgeon and a great physical therapist, do the rehab protocol meticulously, and you’ll be great! Good luck…
That’s really goo advice… I’ve been trying to at least workout my right leg. My PT said that you retain 25% more strength in your injured leg if you workout out your good leg.
Trying really, really hard to avoid surgery… but time will tell. Thanks so much for the advice! Hope you’re all healed up!
Because this shake is… Just like going to Thailand! 🙁 F!
I tore my ACL and MCL about 10 years ago it is better IMO to wait a few weeks for the swelling to go down before the surgery. Good news apparently they have really made great strides w this type of procedure in the last few years and your recovery should be faster. You are young you will totally bounce back. I started running and tri after the ACL no probs at all now. I feel for you!
That’s really, really goo to hear. I actually decided to let Vegas teach me to swim while I can’t run so we can do a sprint tri when I’m better! Another thing I swore I’d NEVER do – HA!
🙁 so sorry about the tear..feel better and hope the bike ride goes well tomorrow.
This recipe definitely sounds like a strange but good combo if I ever heard of one!
Hang in there lady! Wine certainly helps. I’m about to do an upper body workout myself… and any other exercise I can think of that doesn’t put too much pressure on my foot! Ugh, injuries.
I’m so sorry to hear about your knee! All the best for a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear about your knee, but you’ve got this and you’re going to come back stronger than ever I’m positive. Just keep doing the things you’re approved to do and get that protein! Speaking of protein, holy cow this sounds amazing. Carrots and sweet potato? Count me in!
Thank you so much, Becki! And yeah – it’s an awesome combo. Let me know what you think if you try it!
I was bummed when I saw about the torn ACL but love that you have an amazing woman like Vegas by your side! Hope you poured her a big glass of therapy too!
Oh another strange but good love! I can see adding cinnamon or even a hint of orange, as if the sweet potato and carrot isn’t enough orange, haha!
Oh yeah… Vegas is really good and keeping me in liquid therapy. HA!
That pie spice definitely has cinnamon in it. I make my own, which I think has wayyyyy more than the store bought. #cinnamonwhore
That shake sounds delicious! Sorry to hear about your ACL. My cousin had torn hers awhile back. Hopefully you will recover quickly.