Sweet or savory breakfasts?
I’m forever caught in the dilemma.
I know several people who eat the same thing every morning – oatmeal, eggs, fruit. Â I just can’t do it. Â Breakfast is my favorite time to get strange. Â Thank god it’s usually good, because I can get HANGRY in the morning.
Today’s Sweet Potato and Spinach Hash may not be terribly strange, other than the fact that it could be a dinner side were it not for the egg. Â It came together out of my usual end of the week “use all the random leftover things.”
By Thursday and Friday it really is like an episode of Chopped, Home Edition. Â Vegas is always suspicious, but she’s willing to try anything. Â This week, we happened to have Japanese sweet potatoes, spinach, and bacon on hand.
Nine times out of 10 I roast my sweet potatoes in the oven.  That way, I just wrap ’em up and forget about it while I’m doing other things.  Sautéing them seems to take too much effort.  However, I’ve come to realize if I cut them on the thin side (about 1/4 of an inch) it greatly decreases the time it takes to cook.  Duh.
Why are the most obvious things so hard?
No savory breakfast in complete without a little #yolkporn on top.  They drippy yolk oozing out over the flavorful hash is a thing of beauty.
[Tweet “If you like savory breakfasts, this Sweet Potato and Spinach Hash is a must try!”]
Sweet Potato and Spinach Breakfast Hash
- 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into ~¼ inch pieces
- 1/2 yellow onion, thinly sliced
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 4 strips of bacon, diced
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
- 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 CÂ fresh spinach
- 2 eggs
Heat a large greased skillet over medium heat. Â
Add the sweet potato, onion, bell pepper, bacon, and spices.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until sweet potatoes have softened, ~15 mins.
Add the garlic and spinach to the skillet and cook ~5 mins more, until the garlic becomes fragrant.  Taste and adjust seasonings if needed.
Upon adding the spinach and garlic, begin frying the eggs to top the hash.  Heat a greased nonstick skillet over medium heat.  Once hot, crack open eggs into the skillet.  Cover with a lid (this helps the tops to set without overcooking the yolk), and cook 3-4 mins.  They are done once the whites are set.
Plate the hash, top with the eggs. Â Sprinkle with additional pepper, and add salt or sriracha if desired.
Makes 2 servings.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
Another Vegas-approved breakfast.  I’m on a roll lately! 😉
Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every day?
What’s your favorite breakfast to make if you have all the time in the world?
Savoury breakfasts make my world go round. Okay, maybe that’s too big of a statement but they do keep me going for longer than their sweet counterparts. Lately, I’ve been packing a stir-fry of Brussels sprouts, another kind of vegetable, chickpeas and speltberries with varying seasonings for work [don’t have enough time to eat at home]. Brussels sprouts for breakfast are definitely underrated – or maybe #strangebutgood ;)?
Brussels for breakfast sounds good to me! I love spelt berries too. Need to get more!
I’m usually an oats girl for breakfast but when dinner needs to be in a hurry, I’ll about Brinner. This looks perfect to me!
Tum! My kind of breakfast! In all about savory.
I am usually a sweet girl for breaky but a few days a week I go savory with an egg dish and toast! I love ANY breakfast foods so I totally enjoy either option. This hash looks amazing!!!
Thanks! I’m about half and half too.
I am one of those weirdos that eat the same thing every day for breakfast – 1 egg plus egg white scrambled, two slices of orange, and a few deli cuts. Simple, satisfying, and filling. 🙂
I have to go with simply. This would be my ultimate brunch dish (like my giant omelets) but first thing, I need a grain and maybe some yogurt. That comes from many years of running first thing after a small breakfast!
I never cook my sweet potatoes on the stove either. Actually, I rarely roast them because I HATE doing all the chopping. #lazymuch
I live the sound of this hash though! Especially with the yolk porn!
I know EXACTLY how you feel!
I have a weekly rotation of breakfasts…but they are always SWEET!!!! AHH!
And no…potatoes must be “baked” in the microwave 😉 BEST!
The ultimate laziness! I love it. 🙂
Looks delicious! I’ve been craving a lot more savory work morning breakfasts and since I just pack breakfast and lunch (and snacks) I’ve ended up with eggs and salads at breakfast, and quinoa/oat bakes at lunch, which is not a bad way to live.
I love a breakfast salad! Yolks make egg-cellent dressing. (See what I did there? LOL!)
Wow, that looks so good! I’ll pretty much eat anything for breakfast, even if it’s not typical breakfast food. But I’ll definitely try this one!
Thanks! I’d love to hear what you think if you try it!
I am a big fan of sweet potatoes for breakfast. I think maybe it’s the idea of something sweet even though sweet potatoes are sticky sweet like french toast or pancakes? YUM!
Totally agree!!!
P.S. I’m making cauliflower today!
That is one of my favorite breakfast combos but I need to cook my eggs all the way 🙂 Yum now I am hungry
Seems pretty breakfasty to me. People love spinach in their omelets and hash browns (potatoes). Plus, bacon!
Yum! Now that’s some serious yolk porn!
I am SO hungry in the morning. That looks amazing. Thanks for letting me know about the link-up too!
Thanks for joining in! That hummus looks amazing.
GIMME A SAVORY BREAKFAST YO! Salmon in my face at all hours of the day – and sushi, bring it on at 7am.
I had ceviche for breakfast yesterday. Totally normal.
I’m all about the savory breakfast! I have brussels and eggs almost every morning. I don’t know why I don’t think to make sweet potatoes, I love them!! This is a must try, maybe for Sunday morning breakfast!
Dude, I’m the laziest person ever. I have legit been having three eggs for breakfast for at least five years. I vary between frying and scrambling them, but that’s the extent of my creativity. If it ain’t broke… that said, in Guatemala, I was given a different breakfast every day, and I didn’t exactly hate it. I just need a personal chef to make me this!
I’m still jealous of your trip. And having the 3 meals provided!!!
Sweet Potato in a stir fry is AMAZING:-)
I didn’t have all the ingredients on hand, but the totally inspired my lunch today!!
I rarely cook potatoes on the stove b/c it takes longer or a least more attention. But they are so good that way!
chopped @ home ftw
LOL! Amen. 🙂
You had me at hash. I mean sweet potato…er spinach…or yolk porn. Fuck it, I love all the above.
Hahaha. You would want the hash.
All I need is some bacon (or I might sub sausage) and this dish can be made this week! I sure do need something tasty to eat since I have a terrible habit of skipping breakfast. Yes terrible =/
Sausage would be great too! Let me know if you try it!
Very similar to what I eat every morning. Veggies and eggs all the way
I do tend to lean more towards savoury breakfasts more often. Any breakfast for me has to involve eggs – even if I have oats I will have some eggs in another bowl at the side.
I will have similar things for breakfast and maybe the same thing twice a week but it’s always a bit different, I would get bored of the same thing every day. My fav right now is a thai omelette with rice, Brussel sprouts and sriracha over the top! Yum!
Ohhhhh… and now I must have that omelette. Also, I’m going to start spelling savory like you – savoury looks so much fancier.