Happy New Year!!!
Please god let 2016 be a little more sane.
In true fashion, I spent this year in a #strangebutgood whirlwind. I eloped in January, sold my condo in February, moved across the country in March, became certified as a trainer in April, honeymooned to Greece in May, helped my mom sell my childhood home in September, made my first money as an independent marketing consultant in December… and squeezed a lot of trips to Vegas with Vegas in between it all.
I thought I was someone who sailed through change, but it’s no walk in the park. It may look like life is a party; however, the reality is that I have felt a lot of loss… I miss my hometown, my family, and my friends. I’m still trying to get used to being jolted awake by a screaming bird, a parrot banging on a cow bell, and a dog incessantly whining. Needless to say, I learned to cry. A lot. I feel like I am literally losing my mind sometimes. I’m adjusting to living in a new city where I don’t yet have a tight group of friends. Vegas has become my best friend as well as my wife this year. (You should all feel sorry for her.)