How do you get a cold in the summer?
It makes zero sense.
By Laura
By Laura
Sometimes I revert back to being 23.
Especially around this girl.
I have been friends with this girl for approximately 75% of my life.
By Laura
By Laura
By Laura
This Healthy Chocolate Chip Waffle is reminiscent of a Waffle House favorite. This waffle doesn’t sacrifice on flavor, but it’s much cleaner than its inspiration. Make a bunch to freeze for a quick breakfast!
By Laura
I’ve been slacking on the #strangebutgood.
Really just the link up… life’s strange goodness continues.
I’m still not back home, so I have no recipe for you. I do have some observations and life happenings though!
How about I did a FlyWheel class with my baby sister an cousin, then took mom to the gym for a glute workout. My mom LOVES glutes. Really.
By Laura
If I ever move again, it’ll be too soon.
Fully aware I just cursed myself.
We are FINALLY done with moving my mom. It took 2 weeks and 3 storage units to move out of the house we grew up in. In 24 hours, mom’s new apartment went from this:
By Laura
I went MIA last week.
This week may be the same.
Vegas and I headed to Atlanta to help my mom pack up and move. This is the house my dad built when I was a year old. My mom, my sisters, and me have lived here the majority of our lives. Since my sisters and I all moved away and my dad died it’s just too big and empty for mamma.
That doesn’t make moving out of it any easier.