Green is so easily considered strange.
So this recipe feels like a cop-out.
These green oats are legit strange though! It’s not the green you’re expecting, and it’s not really even oats. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know I have a thing for TVP oatmeal. TVP (Texturized Vegetable Protein) is like chicken. Or tofu. It tastes like whatever flavor you apply to it. A sweet bowl of TVP oats isn’t hard to make good!
Now for the green part. It’s spirulina. Heather repped Nutrex Hawaii at the Blend Retreat this year and generously shared a few samples with me. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what I’d do with it. I knew it’s healthy. Spirulina is a microalgae that grows naturally in healthy bodies of water. It’s good for energy, immunity, cellular health, and cardiovascular, eye and brain health. It’s also high in protein and Vitamins A, K1, K2, and B12.
Did I mention it’s super-green? It begs for #strangebutgood applications. You want a bite, I swear…
Also found at Blend was a shiny new bottle of Cherry-Vanilla NuNaturals Liquid Stevia. I’d had it before and loved it, so I was excited for the refill. Of course, I mixed in my Growing Naturals vanilla rice protein (don’t forget about the freebie code!). Gotta keep fueling the muscle growth!
Protein powder adds stay-power AND a fantastic creaminess to your morning bowl of deliciousness.
Spirulina Cherry TVP Oats
- 1/3 C TVP
- 1/4 C oats
- 1/2 C water + 1/4 C
- 15 grams vanilla protein powder (I used 1/2 scoop of Growing Naturals)
- 1/4 C cherries, chopped
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp butter extract (optional – you can also use vanilla or almond)
- 4-5 drops Cherry Vanilla Liquid Stevia (or preferred sweetener)
Add the TVP, oats, and 1/2 C water to a small pot, stir, and bring to a boil (you can also microwave it like oats).
Reduce heat to a simmer and cook about 10 mins, until mix softens and thickens.
Stir in protein, cherries, extract, and stevia. Add more water as needed (~1/4 C). Allow to cook for 2-3 more mins. The mixture should be silky smooth.
Scoop into bowl and add your favorite toppings.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.
If you’re not a blogger, you can still share your recipes on Instagram with the #strangebutgood hashtag.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
I’m back from my NYC adventures (check out Instagram if you’re curious) and SO ready to get back in the kitchen! More recipe are sure to come! 🙂
Have you ever had spirulina?
What is your favorite oats mix-in?