Crack is whack.
Thank you, Whitney Houston for that insightful quote.
After a long hiatus, I am jumping back into Heather‘s Meatless Monday link up!
I would never expose you to something whack, so this post isn’t actually about crack. It is a super-energizing smoothie though!
This week’s MMAZ link up is about making someone else’s recipe. Unfortunately, I am unable to follow recipes (or directions). Rather, I took inspiration from someone’s recipe.
Sarah created this vegan Mocha Chip Mousse last week. I loved how she used tofu to create a protein-rich healthy-ish dessert. It made me remember my favorite Carrot Cake Batter Shake, where I used tofu to get a milk shake consistency. Why hadn’t I done it with chocolate?! And coffee… this was a frapp waiting to happen! There may have been some strangeness too… I’ve been loving chocolate-beet smoothies lately and I carried that idea over to make this a Mocha Beet Frappuccino. 🙂
Recipe for this crack-like creation at the bottom…
First I have to share some marvelous!!! I had the pleasure of dining with one of my favorite ladies: Sarena! She invited me over for dinner with her family. I’d never met her crew before, but felt like I already knew them thanks to social media. Tony (her husband) said he felt like Instragram was coming to life. 🙂
If you’ve never tried any of Sarena’s gluten-free baked goods before, let me assure you this stuff is the jam. She made a loaf of gluten-free bread that was better than most of the “real” bread I’ve had.
We started with a salad, then for dinner enjoyed succotash, grilled pork, and homemade bread. And more bread. I wish I’d gotten a pic of the Pavlova Sarena made for dessert too. It was fantastic!
Also marvelous was a sunny Sunday run up Stone Mountain. Remember those booty building incline sprints? I’m back at it. 🙂
While we’re talking about booty, I finally picked up a pair of the Nike Pro booty shorts I see everyone on Instagram wearing. They are actually amazing – comfy and breathable.
I shamelessly wore them all day long. Including to 2 grocery stores.

Killer bicep/tricep workout, followed up with more crack.
Check out what else is marvelous in blog land this week in Katie’s link up!
Mocha Beet Frappuccino
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1/2 serving (1.5 oz) tofu
- 1/4 C roasted beet (or 1 tsp beet powder)
- 1 T instant coffee granules
- 1/2 T cocoa powder
- 1/4 inch piece fresh ginger
- 1 cinnamon stick (or 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon)
- 5-6 drops vanilla liquid stevia
- Pinch of xanthan and guar gums (optional)
- Ice and water (adjust according to thickness preference)
Toss it all in the blender and mix until smooth.
Inhale. Bounce off the walls.
Why don’t I ever remember that it’s a bad idea to run up mountains the day before leg day?! Doh.
Do you run around in your gym clothes all day?
Do you even gluten-free products even though you don’t have an allergy? I like trying all the foods!