Delicate chocolate crêpes are layered with Grand Marnier pastry cream, resulting in a simple-yet-elegant cake. Don’t be intimidated – crêpes are easier than you think and well worth the effort for the resulting Chocolate Grand Marnier Crêpe Cake.
By Laura
Delicate chocolate crêpes are layered with Grand Marnier pastry cream, resulting in a simple-yet-elegant cake. Don’t be intimidated – crêpes are easier than you think and well worth the effort for the resulting Chocolate Grand Marnier Crêpe Cake.
By Laura
This Funfetti Layer Cake is easy to make, super moist, and full of sprinkles. Its delicious flavor is completely from scratch, and I promise it isn’t hard!
By Laura
It’s my birthday week!!!
So I made myself a cake.
Actually, I made this cake on the 4th of July… but I consider the whole month my birthday. Therefore, this was a marriage equality-4th of July-birthday cake.
Regardless of the occasion, there’s no better show-stopper than cutting into this Rainbow Layer Cake at a party and revealing the vivid layers of color.
By Laura
We all learned to share in pre-school.
Some of us learned better than others…
I’m alright at it… until it’s food.
By Laura
Cake can be an acceptable breakfast.
It’s cooked in a squash, so it’s practically a vegetable dish.
Microwaves are the greatest invention since sliced bread. Or sliced squash?
The idea of a freshly baked breakfast was particularly appealing in Atlanta’s ice/snow disaster. I was eyeing Kierston’s bites, but was having a hunger problem. It takes too long to pre-heat the oven and wait for something to bake!
By Laura
It’s rare that I repeat a meal.
Except dessert.
Variety is one of the keys to staying on track. I know this is different for everyone, but if I don’t stay entertained by what I’m eating it’s not pretty. Which is why I’m shocked by this story about a woman eating nothing but Starbucks for a YEAR.
The 40-year-old woman, Beautiful Existence, is a mother of two. Yes, that’s her legal name. She still cooked for her kids, but – even on holidays – only ate Starbucks food.
She said she spent $500-$600 a month on meals, and ended up saving money and losing weight. Her first non-Starbucks meal? Fish and chips from Seattle restaurant chain.
I would’ve done a lot better than that after year of bagels!
This WIAW I did not eat at Starbucks. I did repeat a meal, and for that I am ashamed. Kidding, kidding.
Read on for my eats, and then check out Jenn’s blog for everyone else’s delicious creations!…
By Laura
Dessert is my favorite part of a fiesta.
Christmas counts as a fiesta, no?
I made this for Thanksgiving, but it would be fantastic for a Christmas dinner, too. Or New Years. Or just for breakfast.
When you read the ingredients in this cake, you’ll see that it actually wouldn’t be so bad to have at breakfast. It’s full of healthy fats and protein, and sugar-free! This brings me to the strange. The healthy fat in this one is avocado. It’s good, I swear.
Between the avocado, eggs, and yogurt, this is one of the lightest, moist cakes you’ll ever have. It’s the perfect end to a heavier dinner. You could eat half of it without blinking an eye. Not that I would know.
The almond, cinnamon, and cayenne are the Mexican part. If you’re concerned about the cayenne, you could leave it out. It’s not overwhelming; it simple gives the smallest hint of “hmmmm” at the end of a bite.
The icing on this cake was yet another healthy fat addition. I whipped coconut cream into a pillow-y spread for the cake. Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem stiff enough at first – it will firm up as it settles.
You can have fun with the flavors here. I added vanilla and cinnamon, but a liqueur like Frangelico or pie spice would be excellent as well.
I know several of you made these Chocolate Avocado Cookies or these (Vegan) Blood Orange Scones… vouch for me! You really can’t taste the avocado.
Preheat oven to 350. Prepare a bundt pan.
In a small blender, mix the avocado and eggs until smoother. Stir in xylitol, yogurt, and extracts until combined.
Whisk together dry ingredients. Gradually add dry ingredients to the wet.
Once combined, add in milk and beat well.
Pour into bundt pan. Bake for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
Cool for 10-15 minutes in pan and then transfer to wire rack to completely cool.
Eat as-is, or ice the cake with whipped coconut cream frosting. I used this recipe for the coconut cream whip, only I subbed more xylitol for the sugar, and added vanilla and cinnamon.
Note: Like most cakes, the flavors improve after that cake has a day to rest. Do wait to frost it until the day of.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.
Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
My mom took home a couple of slices and called the next day (at breakfast) to tell me it had gotten even better! I think day 2 is the perfect storm for this one.
Avocado. Would you bake with it? Have you ever?
What is your favorite dessert for the holiday season?
By Laura
People will eat anything.
I know I’m all #strangebutgood, but some take it way to far. To the point of #strangebutnasty.
Pizza seems to be the most common canvas for strangeness. Sometimes it works – I love a runny egg on my socca (it’s also delish on my cauliflower pizza crust).
However, some things just shouldn’t happen. Like insane stuffed crusts. I ran across this article listing the “12 Craziest Things Mankind Has Stuffed Into Pizza Crusts.”
That is a cheese burger crust. A.K.A. Heart attack waiting to happen.
This next one I must admit is creative. But come on. Do you reallllly need buffalo wings in your crust?
Moving on to something less nauseating… it’s another green WIAW! Eating a high protein diet doesn’t mean sacrificing veggies! I have a fruit or veggie with every meal, so I’m especially glad Jenn decided to rock out with her green out this month.
Check out my 7 veggie-laced, protein-filled meals below, and then click here to head over to Jenn @ Peas and Crayons to get to see how everyone else is green-ing up their food this month!
Predictably, I began my day with a cocktail (apple cider vinegar, water, Glutamine, and Fitmixer Aminos).
This morning I went savory. Remember this Spaghetti Squash Pie? Today I made it Mexican and ate it for breakfast. I prepped the meat and squash the night before, so it was easy to compose and throw in the oven first thing in the morning. #strangebutgood
I LOVE this combo. It’s not so weird to have eggs, cheese, and salsa in the morning… so why not add some ground chicken and squash and call it a pie?
I used salsa in this version and added bulk using black beans. After it cooked, I added fresh avocado to the top – I wouldn’t recommend skipping this step.
Recipe at the bottom.
Spicy baked chicken had become something of an addiction. I baked this with a TON of Indian spices – ginger, dry mustard, cinnamon, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, garam masala, turmeric, cayenne, and fenugreek.
Eaten with perfectly ripe mango. Sweet + Spicy = Addiction Strange but good?
Lunch was a post-leg workout meal. Let’s pretend I was more creative… but no. I brought my old favorite to the gym. Carrot Cake Protein Batter. Made with french vanilla Designer Whey and topped with brown rice crispies. After 100 hack squats, I would have eaten my first. But this probably tasted better. 😉
The salt-free deli turkey addiction continues. Today I made little cucumber open-face sandwiches and topped them with avocado, red pepper flakes, and freshly ground pepper.
I mayyyyy have also done a little quality control for a cake I was baking. This is my first attempt at gluten-free baking, so it had to be tested. I made a mini confetti cake:
You guys know my friend Kat who guest posts here every Thursday? It was Kat’s birthday yesterday! She had a potluck dinner at her place, so I enjoyed everyone’s home cooked dishes at dinner. We had kale salad, roasted sweet potatoes, beet and orange salad, nuts, hummus, GF chips, and peanut M&Ms. All the basic food groups. And wine… heart health is important, you know. 😉
Plus cake. Kat is gluten-free and requested a GF confetti cake. I happily obliged and made a cake based on this recipe, plus some boozy hazelnut icing.
The flavor of the cake was awesome; it was just enough vanilla to have a distinct flavor. I was especially happy that it remained moist. However, the texture was a bit gummy. Anyone know how to fix that? Or is that just common in a GF cake?
The icing was a win. Nutty and creamy, it was just the thing against the vanilla cake.
Whip butter with electric (or hand) mixer until light and fluffy (~3-4 mins). Slowly add powdered sugar, a few tablespoons at a time (adding slowly means it’s less grainy and requires less sugar to thicken).
When the frosting looks thick enough to spread, drizzle in the Frangelico and whip it until combined. If this makes frosting too thin, add another tablespoon of powdered sugar.
Ha! There were no more meals. I ate 5-7 at the party, and enjoyed celebrating with Kat!
How awesome are the photo bombers?!
Kat is guest posting again tomorrow – don’t forget to come back by and wish her a happy belated! Teaser: I think her post is going to be related to the Ultra Marathon she ran last weekend!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and prepare a pie dish.
Stir together the spaghetti squash and egg whites. Pour evenly into the pie dish as the crust (note: this will look too runny, but it isn’t – the egg will solidify in the oven).
Mix together the ricotta cheese, cilantro, cumin, and garlic powder. Arrange evenly over the spaghetti mixture, leaving ~1/4 in space around the edge to preserve the “pie” look.
In a large pan, brown ground chicken with onion, jalapeno and garlic (can also use olive oil). Add salsa and beans, allowing to cook over medium until warmed (~6-7 mins).
Evenly pour the chicken and sauce mixture on top of the ricotta layer in your pie dish.
Bake uncovered for ~45 mins, or until most of the “jiggle” is gone.
The protein count for the day: I don’t know… I definitely did well but I wasn’t about to measure everything at a birthday party. Let’s just say my leg day was fueled.
We all like brinner (breakfast for dinner), but do you ever eat dinner for breakfast?
Do you ever make a “tester” when you try new recipes?