The move is over.
I hope we stay in this house for a very, very long time.
We’ve found places for about 75% of our belongings. We’ve hooked up the Wii. We’ve even had a dinner party! It feels like home.
By Laura
The move is over.
I hope we stay in this house for a very, very long time.
We’ve found places for about 75% of our belongings. We’ve hooked up the Wii. We’ve even had a dinner party! It feels like home.
By Laura
Life is grand.
Yes, I know… I’m cheesy.
Really though. In the past few days there’s been so much good. I took Vegas for her first ever (?!) mani-pedi: …
By Laura
I like to get toasted.
In the French way ’cause I’m classy.
French toast is becoming an unintentional theme for #strangebutgood. Last week it was Healthy French Toast. 2 weeks ago it was totally unhealthy (but delicious) Eggnog Baked French Toast. Now it’s the thug life.
This is the laziest, most bass ackwards way possible to make french toast. Toast the bread while beating egg whites with cinnamon and stevia. Pour egg mixture over the top.
By Laura
I love Vegas in sickness and in health.
Just didn’t think we’d have to prove it so soon.
Today’s strange but good is a quickie because we’ve both been hit by the plague. I don’t know if it’s the flu or the worst cold ever, but we are miserable.
Yesterday my eye swelled up and started oozing a lovely substance. I’ll spare you that picture and instead share the scene on the nightstand:
In sickness and in health…
By Laura
Strange can be simple.
Simple is strange in my kitchen!
This recipe consists of simply two things: bread and eggnog. It’s what we had for breakfast brunch lunch linner (we like to sleep) on Christmas morning. And a giant side of champagne because all the rum Mom dumps in her eggnog would have cooked out. 😉
We did get a little complex with the homemade eggnog and using chocolate chip brioche. I neglected a picture, but I also made fresh whipped cream with coconut rum to top. You don’t have to get that fancy… but it didn’t suck.
Also served was scrambled eggs with spinach and onion for protein and greens. And bacon. Because bacon.
Mom likes to set a fancy table. This one had a gorgeous centerpiece, a charcuterie, ambrosia, and a magnum bottle of sparkling from Schramsberg.
It was so good we didn’t worry about opening presents until almost 2!
It’s a little past the holidays, but why not keep celebrating and try this out? It’s strange… but good! Besides, the eggnog is on sale at Whole Foods! 😉
Dip cubes of bread in the eggnog. Place slices evenly in a greased pyrex dish. Pour any remaining mixture over the slices.
Cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, preheat oven to 400. Bake for 20-25 minutes (until poofed up and golden brown on top).
Place on rack to cool slightly before cutting and serving.
Makes 8-10 servings.
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.
Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
That magnum bottle was goooooone, plus 2 more standard sized ones. There were 7 of us! 5 of the 7 were drinking…
Do you like eggnog? I never have… but I love it baked!
How was New Years Eve? I have much to share! Later…
By Laura
I could eat a box of Tagalongs in one sitting.
Thankfully I haven’t proven that, but I’m sure I could.
While I was snowed (iced) in last week, I decided to make myself a healthier version. One that I could eat an entire plate of. And I did.
By Laura
My favorite porn is #yolkporn.
I can only imagine the search terms I’m going to get from this…
When I saw this video on Lifehack yesterday I couldn’t wait to share it with you guys. It’s (allegedly) a fool-proof way to cook a sunny side up egg.
In case you need the definition a perfect sunny side up egg should have the whites just cooked through, but the bright yellow yolky deliciousness should remain runny. Like a silky syrup for your toast or oats or salad or jicama nachos… anything!
Warning: this video will make you crave butter. And egg, obv.
The guy’s name is Mr. Breakfast. He must be an expert.
In other news, I failed and didn’t have a runny egg on WIAW. I did win at food prep though! After a few weeks of being less than planned, I was happy to have my meals ready for me today!
Read on for my prepared food, and then check out Jenn’s blog. I don’t know if she’s doing the link up though… because she had her bagel baby!!!!!!!
♥ Congratulations and welcome to baby Mia! ♥
Of course I had my morning cocktail (apple cider vinegar, water, Glutamine, and Fitmixer Aminos) to start my day out right.
I was feeling like something decadent for breakfast in honor of the short work week. That only means one thing: french toast. My protein-filled toast tasted like a treat with the peanut flour sauce and strawberries.
Note: I order peanut flour from iHerb – use discount code USO924 for $5-10 off your order.
Beat together first 5 ingredients in a shallow bowl. Soak bread slice in the mix, flipping once to coat.
Cook in greased pan over med-high heat until browned.
Meanwhile, mix together peanut flour, syrup, butter extract, and almond milk. I used 2 T almond milk; add it slowly and adjust to your desired consistency.
Plate toast and top with syrup, berries, and granola.
Things got busy and I missed my mid-morning snack so I had an early-ish lunch. I packed up the chicken, tabbouleh, and celery sticks from my food prep, and added to that some hummus and a piece of Ezekial bread.
No need to eat boring food just because you’re sitting in an office. This snack was incredible: salmon sashimi, lavar, edamame, and kabocha.
Totally normal work eats, no?
My schedule was thrown off and I had to busy out an emergency bar to power through my workout before dinner.
Note: I don’t actually like these. It was a freebie.
I was going to eat the snapper from my food prep… but after I workout all I want is a smoothie bowl. Eating solid food after a workout just doesn’t appeal to me.
My new staple is this Chocolate Beet variety. Last night I wolfed it down with oats, fig, and a bar I made as part of meal prep (side note: I want to make some adjustments before I share – sorry!). Extra spinach.
Smoothie bowls are like dessert to me, but that didn’t stop me from having a second dessert. The post-Labor Day fall mood struck and I made a Sweet Potato Pie Protein Bowl as my midnight snack. I’ve been adding coconut flour to everything lately – it makes everything deliciously cake-y.
With all the toppings I had to take a bite shot for you to even see the pie!
Mix it all together and devour!
Note: you could blend it to smooth… I was too impatient. 😉
How awesome that it’s already Wednesday?!
Do you have a hard time eating solids after a workout?
Do you ever eat something you don’t love just because it’s free? I don’t know why I’m so compelled…