Park City, Utah’s elevation is at about 6,900 ft.
What did you think I meant?!
I can’t speak for everyone, but after this past weekend’s Blend Retreat, I was high on life. Since so many of you couldn’t make it, I’m going to say something nice about everyone in this post so that you can a) get to know them better too and b) better understand how special this weekend and this group is.
Heather and I left Atlanta bright and early Friday morning, arriving in Salt Lake City where we saw Sarah and Brittany almost immediately. Then our ride, Michelle, picked up us up in a bad ass brand-new Jeep rental and we headed to our host hotel, Hyatt, in Park City.
- Heather is from Atlanta, but I felt like I got to know her 100x better. She is one of the most genuine people around, and would probably give you the shirt right off her back if you needed it
- Sarah is just as quirky and hilarious as she seems on her blog. It is impossible not to smile in her presence, and to be inspired by her enthusiasm for life!
- Brittany is like a warm bite of home. Her sweet Southern charm immediately puts you at ease, and a minute into a conversation with her you feel like family
- Michelle is someone I felt instantly would be my friend. She is a smart and a great conversationalist – never running out of interesting things to talk about. Everything your high school math teacher wasn’t (but she actually teaches math!), and I am 100% sure I’ll be stalking her hometown before the next Blend
I won’t bore you with a recap of my food recap, but let’s just say the first evening there was over the top! There was food out the you-know-what, starting with the Justin’s Nut Butter and Attune Foods‘ nut butter and graham cracker snacks. Next year I vote they combine forces with Green Mountain and Silk for a happy hour that involved peanut butter-rimmed mocha martinis.
See that fine-looking butt below? That’s Sarah again. This picture perfectly illustrates how cool it is to be around tons of kindred spirits who are unable to eat or drink anything without first taking a pic.
After an amazing dinner, I crashed HARD. Good thing because the next morning’s boot camp with GPP Fitness kicked me in the rear. Have you ever done a deck of cards workout? I had not… and wow. It wasn’t for the faint of heart!
You start with a deck of card, and each card represents a move. Our 4 exercises were burpees, lunges, sit-ups, and push-ups. The number on each represent the number of reps you should do. Jokers are a 2 minute run, face cards count a 10, Aces = 15, number cards = displayed number (ex: Jack of hearts = 10 sit ups). By the end you have done 200 of each exercise and run for 4 minutes.

GPP workout
The pic at the end is of Lindsay, Heather, Lindsay, and me:
- Lindsay is one of the organizers. She lives near me and I am so glad to get to see her more often. You always leave a conversation with her feeling more positive and motivated – like the world is no object for your strength and energy!
- Heather is one of my best Blends. I was sad when she and her hubby left Atlanta last year, but we have stayed close. She’s been a big inspiration both in terms of recipe creativity and fitness discipline. She sets a good example for of balance and healthy outlook on life. And she had great taste in beer. 😉
- Lindsay is my brother from another mother. I told a group in my room that I have the biggest blogger crush on her (LC – I swear I’m not a creepy stalker). From Healthy Bite brilliance to her boundless energy to her constant sherpa-esqe encouragement… I basically want to be her when I grow up (despite the fact that I think I’m older…).
You can also see from the pic above that Park CIty appears cold and rainy. It was. I am not ashamed to say that I wussed out on the hike. Total fair-weather exerciser. Instead, I opted in to Zoomba.
The gorgeous Annette bravely led the class… and – even pregnant – showed us up BIG time. You may have seen this jewel on Instagram (credits to Heather):
Thankfully most ladies were more skilled… but you can be the judge:

Middle photo credit to Heather again
- Heather (on the left) has fast become one of the most special Blend in my life. She is thoughtful, SO creative (#strangebutgood-style), and an absolute riot to be around. Did I mention she’s gorgeous?!
- Lindsay (middle, top) is on my #whatsbeautiful Fabulously Fit team, but I hadn’t never met her in person before. She is just as spunky and passionate about the fit life as I’d imagined! She always looks adorable too – this blows me away as I always look like I had no idea what to wear (and I don’t)
- Meg (middle, bottom) is a doll. Really. As sweet as she is on her blog, she is even MORE so in real life. I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home with me… but I am scared she’d kick my butt because the is a ball of muscle
- Annette (far right) I cannot say enough about. Even with chile she can run circles around me. I never saw this gorgeous lady without a smile on her face and a kind word to say. I wish we’d had more time to talk 1:1, but I’ll be stalking her on the regular from now on.
There is SO much more to say and many, many more pics to share… but for now I must stop the love-fest. Perhaps a part 2 on Marvelous Monday??? 🙂
I left for the airport ad 6am and didn’t get home until 11pm thanks to rain delays. I love my job… but whoa. Someone is working from home today…
Burpees. Love ’em or hate ’em?
Say something nice about a blogger you love!