First up, we have the RoadID shoe pouch. Not only does this have the phone numbers of my husband, mom and dad in case something should happen to me while I’m running, but it also has a handy-dandy pouch that is great for carrying keys, money or even a credit card. A lot of people ask me if this gets in the way and the answer is no. I can tie my shoes just fine with it and I actually never take it off until I get new shoes.
Next we have the Spibelt. This is great if you want to carry something that won’t fit in the shoe pouch, like a phone. I don’t always run with my phone, but when I’m running alone, especially if I’m not near my house, I do. The Spibelt looks small but it can fit a phone (I have an iphone) just fine. It’s great because it doesn’t bounce or ride up. I’ve usually forget that I’m even wearing it. (I tend to wear it under my shirt since fanny packs aren’t exactly in fashion right now. I guess that could change though.)
If I’m running more than 7 miles, I will fuel halfway during the run. 7 miles is just sort of an arbitrary number that I picked once, but it seems to work. Gu is my fuel of choice. I really only eat the chocolate one. It tastes like cake frosting. Honest. I’ve tried some of the fruit flavors before and hated them. Chocolate Outrage is where it’s at. What I like best about Gu is that you don’t have to chew it. I tend to choke when I’m trying to eat some sort of chew while I run. It’s not pretty.
And my final tool is how I figure out my runs. I know that a lot of people use which is great, but I actually use It’s pretty bare-bones, letting you plot your routes using google maps, but I like the simplicity and it works for me.
So those are some of my favorite things. Come visit me at!