Friday tends to be a round-up day for me. Why fight it?
This week there was a lot of good. I may complain at times about being overwhelmingly busy, but being busy also makes me feel accomplished. This was for-sure one of those weeks.
Next week is shaping up to be the same. (Any DC restaurant recommendations are appreciated!)
Here’s my Top 5 on Friday:
1. Fried Twinkies
That’s right. Thursday night I gave in and enjoyed fried twinkies. Because they aren’t unhealthy enough without the fryer involved.
They have NO redeeming qualities… but they are DAMN good.

PSA: Twinkies don’t go to your boobs
2. Socca Success
I may have woken up still smiling about yesterday’s Socca win. It has opened up a whole new world of possibility!
You can put anything in socca, top it with anything, eat it with anything… I love a blank canvas.
3. Kitty Potty-Training
That’s right. I am potty-training my cat. On the potty. Thank you, Citi Kitty.
She’s doing really well! And I’m ecstatic about not having to clean a litter box anymore.
4. Repeats
Ok, it was only one repeat. The Qu-egg-sadilla.
I need to start repeating more – no shame in reruns!
5. Avocado Smoothie
Speaking of reruns… I’ve made this smoothie a LOT recently.
Avocado in a smoothie makes it super creamy and adds a punch of good fat to your workout recovery drink.

It’s Stevie’s favorite too
Creamy Avocado Smoothie
- 1/4 large avocado*
- 1/2 banana*
- 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 C frozen kale
- Ice + water to taste
Put it in a blender and enjoy!
*Ever wonder what to do with the other half of an avocado or banana? Freeze it! Both fruits don’t keep well after opening, but they DO keep well if you freeze them. Freezing makes it perfect for a cool smoothie.
I’m looking forward to Farmer’s Markets opening back up this weekend. And the Braves opening at home.
Do you shop at a local market during the warmer months?
What’s your favorite local-food find?