It’s Wednesday morning and already this week I:
1. Tried two new products

Close-to-locally made Kombucha
Buchi. Made in Asheville, N.C., purchased at Whole Paycheck Foods in ATL on Ponce.
It was good! Very authentic (read: vinegar-y), but if you’re already used to the taste of Kombucha you’ll probably like it.
Added bonus: it comes in a beer bottle. 😉
- Awesome taste. Awesome nutrients.
Omega-Rich Hummus with Walnuts & Flax. Kudos to you, Whole Foods. Has any one else seen this? I’ve never noticed it before.
I don’t eat seafood, so I’ll take all the non-fishy omegas I can get.
Warning: it is purple-ish. Not sure why.
2. Made (and eaten the h-e-double hockey sticks out of) granola
Callie @ Rawxy posted these Citrus-Spiked Granola Bars a couple of months ago.
I bookmarked them and FINALLY got around to making them. Don’t make my mistake. Make these now.
Delicious, filling, and only 4g of sugar!
My modifications:
- Omitted the hemp seeds (didn’t have any)
- Added zest of an additional (small) orange
- Reduced dates to 2
- Reduced Stevia to 1 packet
They were still sweet without the extra data/Stevia, but I do prefer my granola more nutty than sweet.
3. Flew to DC and back
While in DC, I ate at Big Buns.

No, I didn't buy a t-shirt.
It was surprisingly good. Sadly, I forgot a pic.
I had the grilled chicken (which was perfectly cooked) over field greens with grilled pineapple, sprouts, roasted red pepper, and sweet chili vinaigrette.
The big surprise was the room upgrade:

Penthouse suite!

View from the bedroom
Don’t worry – I refrained from taking a pic of the phone in the bathroom. 🙂
Thank you, Westin!
4. Hosted a Roundtable Discussion with my boss. No pics, but it went well. Aside from the jokers that didn’t show up.
5. Hit the Gym
The gym was my second stop (after my house) upon landing in ATL tonight. Biceps and back + 100 stability ball crunches.
6. Cleaned the floor
Stevie didn’t successfully use the potty while I was away. Dammit.
7. Made a tasty dinner
This actually means I tried another new (to me) product – Quorn Turk’y Burger

Less than impressive pic, but it hit the spot
Hunger took over and I thawed the burger in the microwave. It still wasn’t bad, but I’d like to try it again in a grill pan or oven.
I threw together a quick salad:
- Baby spinach
- 1/2 avocado
- Raw asparagus (julienned)
- Lemon juice
- S+P
- Greek-style yogurt, plain 2% (yep – more Atlanta Farm Fresh)
- Garlic chili paste
- Fresh ginger
I tossed the asparagus with a little lemon juice, salt, and pepper, adding it to a bed of spinach. That was topped with sliced avocado. On a whim, I mixed the yogurt with the chili paste and ginger (YUM – will do that again!), and drizzled it over the salad.
Check back tomorrow to see what I did with the other half of that avocado!
Hint: it involves dessert.
After this weekend and Monday/Tuesday, I feel like it should be Friday again! 🙂
Do you find you cram in more activities during the warmer months?