Have you ever looked at those fitness models and wondered how they got those gorgeous shoulder caps? Here’s a shoulder building workout that will help develop yours!
By Laura
Have you ever looked at those fitness models and wondered how they got those gorgeous shoulder caps? Here’s a shoulder building workout that will help develop yours!
By Laura
I’m learning not to make blanket statements.
Ever so slowly.
The whole “never dating again” thing. Refusing to waste money on a Christmas tree. Thinking seafood is gross. The mornings I moaned I’m never drinking again!” Thinking my shoulders are too big. I take it all back
These days I can’t grow my shoulders fast enough. It’s hard to believe that in high school I refused to wear tank tops because I thought I had “linebacker” shoulders.
By Laura
After some killer runs, my knees cried “Uncle” yesterday.
Not to be outdone, my toes felt a little cramp-y.
Truth be told, I wasn’t shedding any tears over skipping a run in the chilly, windy weather. It was the perfect time for an often-neglected shoulder workout.
In yesterday’s post I mentioned that some women shy away from weights/protein for fear of becoming She-Ra.
Similarly, women shy away from shoulder workouts. The linebacker look isn’t sexy on women, right???
That was my fear until a trainer set me straight. You CAN work out your shoulders in a way that will leave them looking hawt.
Non-football shoulders
1. Military Presses – 4 sets of 10 reps
I like to do these on a stability ball to further engage my core. Sit on the ball (or edge of an exercise bench) with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your arms so that your elbows are bent at a 90° angle, in line with your shoulders. Raise your arms overhead without straightening them without locking your elbows at the top. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
Tip: Be sure to keep your core tight throughout the exercise.
2. Lateral Raises – 4 sets of 10 reps
This one is simple: simultaneously lift your arms out to the side until they are parallel to the floor. Be sure to keep your core tight and don’t lock your elbows.
Tip: For an additional challenge, pause at the top turning your hands (making a pouring motion) so that your thumbs point toward the floor.
3. Front Raises – 4 sets of 10 reps
Lift your arms in front of your body until your hands are even with your shoulders. Pause for a moment at the top then slowly lower your arm back to the starting position.
Again, keep your core tight and don’t lock your elbows!
4. Front Raise Clockwise Circles – 3 sets of 25 reps
With a light weight in each and, lift your arms in front of your body until your hands are even with your shoulders. Make small, clockwise circles without locking your elbows and keeping your core engaged (are you seeing theme?).
Superset these with….
5. Front Raise Counter-Clockwise Circles – 3 sets of 25 reps
Same thing, in reverse.
6. 3-Way Arm Shaper – 20 reps each
I took this from Shape Magazine. It doesn’t focus exclusively on shoulders, but I find this helps me to finish with a satisfying burn out. Total masochist.
A. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at sides and lean against a wall. Walk feet out about 18 inches, keeping them close together, and squat until thighs are parallel to ground. Raise arms out to sides to shoulder height, palms facing down. Lower arms. Do 20 reps.
B. Rise up and rest legs for 30 seconds, then lower into the wall squat again, but with feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms at sides, then curl weights to shoulders. Do 20 reps.
C. Rise up and rest once more, then squat against the wall with feet wide. Hold dumbbells next to shoulders, palms facing forward, then extend arms overhead. Lower and repeat. Do 20 presses.
Click here for a video of these moves on Shape’s website.
Follow that up with 15 mins of abs (I did the P90X Ab Ripper X), and you have a solid 45 min workout.
If you’re really hard-core, do your 3 sets of push-ups too.
Don’t forget to get your 20g of protein!
In my Cereal Bowl:
Almost Friday!!! I’m going to the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival this weekend. Soooo excited!
Does your body ever force you to take unplanned rest days?
Have your toes ever ached?!