3 years is a long time.

This blog is my longest commitment. Kidding… sort of.
In 3 years, I have learned a LOT! I didn’t have a clear vision outside of “food” when I began. I was playing roller derby, drinking a lot of beer with the occasional side of Waffle House, and trying to be a runner. 3 years later, I no longer play derby, I don’t run half as much as I did, and I’ve competed in 2 figure competitions (with 2 more just a month away – eep!). I also drink less beer, and am about 15 pounds lighter. Waffle House still happens after every figure competition though. 😉

#strangebutgood #yolkporn
In the beginning, no one read my blog except my mom. Now more people read and my mom doesn’t. I remember my first comment from a stranger. It was from Tina – I was so excited!!! 3 years late, I’m honored today to call her a friend. I’m honored to call a LOT of my favorite bloggers friends. This is an inspiring, motivated community full of diversity, humor, and FUN.
End mush. Begin giveaway.
On the last day of my Blogiversay Favorite Things week of giveaways, I wanted to share ALL the things! Rather than giving you a #strangebutgood recipe, I’m giving you things to make your own strangeness!
I am sooooo excited about this. Trying new things is a sport to me, so hopefully I’ll be able to share something new with one of you!
Some things aren’t so much strange as they are staples, or representative of things I love. Other items are in the pile because people are always asking where I get ingredients (I’ll be your dealer!).
- House of Payne tank top – This is from my gym! The shirt is this style (it’s a small, but I can check if you need M or L). I love Steve Payne and his crew. Check them out here.
- Peanut Flour – You all know I am having an intense love affair with this stuff. I like it better than PB2 (and others) because it’s less processed. The only ingredient is peanuts (no preservatives, sodium, sugar, etc). If you don’t win it, you can order your own from iHerb. Use discount code USO924 for $5-10 off your order!
- Flavors – There are SO many ways you can flavor your food without salt, sugar, and other unhealthy things! These are a few of my favorites:
- Olive oil from local farmers Sweetwater Growers. They have a variety of flavors, but rosemary gets me every time.
- Butter extract – I find it at Whole Foods, but I know several of you haven’t been able to locate it. I’ve used it in Cookie Dough Oatmeal, Cauliflower Protein Pancakes, Oatmeal Cookie Protein Shakes, a healthy Everything Schmer for your bagel… it’s also awesome with the peanut flour.
- Asian Seasoning – I’m not really sure what it is, but it’s good and it involves chili pepper. It’s one of the many random things I’ve located at Atlanta’s giant farmer’s markets.
- Treats – These aren’t exactly the picture of healthy, but when I’m feeling snacky they sure hit the spot! And they aren’t the worst things in the world. Everyone knows and loves Quest bars. The Brownie is my favorite (cut in squares and baked for 10 min on 350). Vega’s Savi Seeds are a crunchy-salty satisfier. Justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cup… I don’t think I need to explain this deliciousness. Lastly, my favorite gum. I cannot workout without it! Extra seems to be the longest lasting.
- Burdock Root Crisps – I have no idea what this is. I got them to represent my love of the international farmer’s market and trying new things. Let me know how they are! 😉
- Cherry-Flavored Dried Cranberries – I cannot stand dried fruit. Except for these funky-flavored things. Specifically, I love them in my…
Granola Cookies! Old picture because I haven’t made them yet… I will ship you a fresh batch. They can be made vegan and/or gluten-free upon request.
Thanks for helping me celebrate this week! Don’t forget the giveaway for my favorite protein powder, Growing Naturals, is still open through the weekend too
a Rafflecopter giveaway
How have you enjoyed making co-workers, friends, or family stare with strange but good creations this week? The link up rules can be found here or by clicking on “Strange But Good” in the menu bar above. In short, I want to see what concoctions have earned you weird looks from co-workers, family and friends! Post your Strange But Good creations, grab the logo below for your blog, and link up here.

Remember to use #strangebutgood in any Tweets and Instagrams of your creations. 🙂
I'll take a break from giveaways and get back to recipes next week. In the mean time, check out the Strange But Good link ups!
What would you try first out of this bag of my favorite schwag? Hee hee. I rhymed.
If you were going to send a box to someone that represents you, what would you include?