It’s a big day.
- We are just a few
loooonghours from a long weekend - I’m going to pick up my first jug or local raw milk and straight-from-the-farm eggs
- This is my first post by request (never mind that the request is from family member… thanks Aunt Teresa!)
Recently I posted a shoulder workout sure to leave you shoulders lookin’ good. My aunt commented that she would like some ideas for triceps as well. Ask and you shall receive.
Triceps are my favorite body part to work. Thoughts of tight tris = awesome motivator! Since Memorial Day Weekend marks the official beginning of tank top season, I worked mine big-time last night. 🙂
I always work my chest and tris on the same day. There are a lot of opinions out there, but I subscribe to the primary/secondary theory. Triceps are secondary muscles in chest exercises; therefore I like to work my triceps on the same day as my chest. I find it goes a long way in my being able to totally exhaust the muscles.
- I like to keep my heart rate up. I sprint to rest my arms.
- Grouping exercises is an easier way for me to organize/write a routine when I’m using sprints.
- My first group incorporates non-chest/tri muscles. It’s more of a warm-up.
- Almost every workout I do ends with abs (albeit some days are lighter than others).
I ALWAYS end with a green protein shake… and after particularly hard days, I end with a glass of vino.
This is my go-to tight-tri workout. It may seem long, but remember you are just 11 moves (14 if you do the abs) and 1 quick mile from a shake (and maybe some wine).
1. Warm up for 5 mins (jogging or elliptical)
2. Group 1
20 Diamond Push-Ups
Your hands should form a diamond (to target tris) like this:
20 Skull Crushers
Lie flat on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows, lowering barbell toward your forehead. Be sure your weights aren’t too heavy… otherwise you may actually crush your skull. Straighten elbows (without locking them!) and repeat.
20 Seated Leg Tucks
30 Seconds of Fast Squats
Important Note: get low, but be SURE not to let your knees go over your toes. That’s how you hurt you knees.
3. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
4. Group 2
Dumbbell Press with Twist – 3 sets of 15
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell in each hand slightly above chest, with your elbows slightly bent out to the sides and palms facing forward. Extend your arms over chest (without locking your elbows!), and turn each palm to face your head. Reverse motion to return to starting position and repeat.
Bridge Fly – 3 sets of 12
Lie on a stability ball (you can also use a flat bench) with a dumbbell in each hand. Dumbbells should be slightly above upper abdomen with elbows to your side. Lower dumbbells to sides until chest muscles are slightly stretched. Bring dumbbells together in hugging motion until dumbbells just touch. Repeat.
Note: Hold your butt up, keeping your body in a straight line. This will give the added benefit or engaging your glutes and abs.
5. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
4. Group 3
Overhand Push-Down – 3 sets of 12
Place hands 6-10 in apart on straight bar with an overhand grip (palms down). Pull down until your forearms so they are parallel to the floor. This is your starting point. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your body and feet slightly bent, shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Push the bar down slowly toward legs until arms are fully extended (don’t lock elbows!). Your elbows should still be close to the body and your core should be tight. Repeat.
Underhand Push-Down – 3 sets of 12
Same as above, but with hands holding the bar in an underhand position.
Straight Arm Pull-Down – 3 sets of 15
Stand facing the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart (or with one foot slight in front of other). Using an overhand grip on the straight bar, place hands shoulder-width apart. At the start, the bar should be slightly higher than shoulder level. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, tighten core and pull the bar down until it reaches your upper thighs. Be sure to keep your arms straight (again, without locking your elbows) throughout. Slowly allow the bar to raise back to shoulder height, maintaining your tight core.
5. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
6. Group 3
Tricep Kickbacks – 3 sets of 12
Place left knee and left hand on a bench. With your right hand, hold a dumbbell keeping elbow against body. Straighten the lower part of the arm all the way, then bend back to a 90˚ angle. Do not move the shoulder. Repeat 12x with each arm to complete a set.
Tricep Push-Backs – 2 sets of 15, 1 set to exhaustion
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Arms should start straight down at sides with palms facing back. Lift arms straight back (~2 ft behind you), pausing for a second before return to sides. Repeat.
On your third set, repeat as many times as possible (to exhaustion).
7. 1/4 Mile Treadmill Sprint
8. Abs (a.k.a. Bonus Round)
Decline Crunches – 2 sets of 25
Bicycles – 2 sets of 30
Planks (click for times/tips) – best ab exercise ever for flat abs (in my experience)
If you aren’t tired after all of that… I’m seriously impressed. Don’t skip your 20g of protein post-workout!
After this crazy work week, I couldn’t be more ready for 3 days off. AND I’m kicking it off right with a massage this afternoon. 🙂
What is your favorite body part to work out?
How are you kicking off the long weekend?!
Another great post! What I really liked is that you mentioned numerous times keeping your core tight. Very important. The bicycles are one of my go-to exercises to really make my midsection burn.
Working a half-day today, then heading to ATL to pick up my little sister and show her what I know of your city for the weekend, running at Piedmont in the am, and FOOD shopping and a festival at some point. That’s it(for now). lol Hope you have a splendid weekend!
I want to know what the saying on your vase is. 😀
I like incorporating the treadmill runs into the lifting. I’m going to have to try that!
Kicking off the weekend with a movie. We’re going to see Forks Over Knives.
What’s raw milk? I mean, I know it’s raw milk, but what is the benefit to that?
Aside form the fact that it tastes like a delicious milkshake… raw milk still has all of its original vitamins, minerals, protein (it has all 8 essential amino acids) and enzymes (there are 60+ in it) intact. So it’s supposedly really good for digestion. There are arguments against it, but my immune system is hardcore. 🙂
Let me know how that movie is!
Thanks so much for the AWESOME work out! I love seeing new circuits of training.. mix everything up!
I hope you have an AWESOME weekend!!!!!!
thank you – love you.
You’ve just convinced me to do this workout today! Tons of great tips, thanks!
Let me know how you like it!
I used to hate doing arm workouts, only because I had zero upper body strength. Now I love it! I only get Monday off since I have class, but I think we’re going to a Braves game!
Thank you so much for posting this! I surfed over from another blog after you mentioned triceps. I’m writing this entire work out and will be trying it this evening at the gym.
Thank you for stopping by! I’m working on making a “fitness” page with a lot more like it. 🙂
Upper body is my weak spot! I love love love working abs as well as legs. Legs come easy for me I think that is why I find I love it!
Thanks for sharing this workout! The Jillian Michael’s DVD I use incorporates some but not all of these moves. And as she likes to say, “Your arms are the one part of your body that most people are going to see naked.” You gotta work them out. Have a great LONG weekend!
Decline Skull Crushers alllll the way!! Burn baby, burn 🙂
Hey Laura,
Thanks for the awesome workout routine — I’m going to give it a try. I’m also wondering if you also run on the same days as you do strength training circuits like these. How often do you run a week, and for how long?
Hey! I usually do not run on weight days – my weeks are split 3 days weights (80% of the time with sprints mixed in), 3-4 days running. I aim for 15-20 miles a week… but I listen to my body!
Enjoy the workout! I’d love to hear what you think. 🙂
Just thought I’d let you know in case you didn’t know already…but you have killa tris! haha, and I can see why. This is such a great routine~Although I love working out my tris I don’t think I’ve ever gone this crazy 😛
Thank you!!! Tri/Chest day is my favorite. 🙂
Let me know if you try this out and like it (or if you don’t like it)!