Traveling to pretty locations is fabulous.
And then you come home…
Last week I was in Arizona at the Camel Back Inn with my mom. Â You guys saw part of my travel meals Wednesday. Â I made it – and I ate pretty well! Â In fact, often I was more happy to be eating my food than the resort food! Â That, the fact that I didn’t give in to the temptation of a tasty margarita in the desert sun… the overall sense of accomplishment… is carrying over today to make my Monday Marvelous.
Breakfast was easy – oatmeal all doctored up with my delicious Growing Naturals protein and berries and cinnamon from the hotel. Â I also asked for lots of lemon.
Best eaten with beautiful patio view!
Some of my other meals are below: I took lots of fresh veggies, sweet potatoes, bison burgers, no-salt deli turkey, and baked chicken. Â And my delicious greek yogurt dessert creations.
I was able to get plain salmon and brown rice from the hotel, which helped a lot. Â I brought my own nutritional yeast, but remember you can always ask for seasonings – lemon, vinegar, red pepper flakes are my standard requests.
Two favorites:  the cucumber-mint “mocktail” on the bottom right above was a fantastic refresher at the spa restaurant (See my mom in the background?  She was Instagramming her carrot-apple juice!).  My last meal (on the bottom right above) was on the airplane.  Sweet potato, turkey, and a fresh salad purchased at Wendy’s (surprisingly fresh and tasty!) in the airport before take off.
Despite all the fun, it was nice to be home in my kitchen. Â Saturday I got up and went to posing practice, followed by a killer leg day (seriously – SO SORE today). Â After all my travels there was NO food at my house so I had a great time reloading at the farmer’s market. Â Sea Bass must be in season because this was some of the best I’ve ever had. Â Buttery, moist (sorry), and not at all fishy.
Served with sautéed shiitake mushrooms, spinach, eggplant, and edamame.
I also roasted a kabocha squash with cocoa powder, cinnamon, and cayenne. Â It sounds strange, but it is GOOD!
No real measurements… I just sprayed my squash with some coconut oil and tossed it together. Â I roasted it at 350 until tender.
Sunday was softball day. Â We won the game… I slid into 2nd base at one point. Â Maybe not the best decision 2 weeks before a competition because my knee got a little scraped up.
BUT I was safe. Â And then I scored.
That didn’t hurt nearly as bad as the split I did off 1st base to catch a ball. Â Note to self: splits are not a good idea the day after heavy leg day.
I missed the second game because I had to shower off in order to meet a friend to see Jillian Michaels!!! Â I still had to run my sprints, so I just ran them on the way to the show (about 2 miles away) instead of driving. Â Haha.
Jillian was good… but a lot of what she said I already knew. Â Don’t eat crap. Â If you want to lose weight, burn more calories than you eat. Â It was refreshing to hear someone talk about the basics though. Â No “special” diets.
The secret to being in shape is that there is NO SECRET! Â Eat good, clean food. Â Eat it in moderation. Â Exercise. Â Why can’t I get paid millions to tell people this?!
My favorite part was when she talked about exercise. Â She called people out of their half-assed elliptical-while-reading-a-magazine workouts.
Raise your heart rate. Â If it’s not high enough, move your ass faster.

I also loved that she wore flip flops.
What really got me was what happened in the audience in front of us. Â These two (obviously drunk) girls were there… which was funny at first that they were drunk at a fitness event. Â It became un-funny when one of the girls PUKED. Â I can’t even make this shit up. Â
They were clearly old enough to know better. Â They even looked pretty fit. Â I was embarrassed for them. Â Cheers to not being that girl. Â Not that I ever puked in a nice theatre (or anywhere in public), but I have had my moments. Â What I am grateful for – what is marvelous – is that I’ve gotten past that in my journey and am in a happy, healthy place. Â one where I know I’ll wake up tomorrow without a headache and sore only from my workouts.
Before you think I didn’t rest at all, I did stay home Saturday night at watch Life of Pi. Â It was ok… I liked Argo better.
Does anyone have a magic trick for healing a knee scrape quickly?
What is your favorite part about where you are right now in your journey?
SO jealous that you gotta hear JM live. Even though a lot of what she says is stuff I already know, I find her hilarious and very engaging to listen to! That puke incident sounds absolutely gross…thank goodness they didn’t puke on YOU haha!
She was really, really funny. It suprised me!
Goodness, looks like a fabulous time away!
And what a gorgeous view! Doesn’t get much better than that!
That’s pretty darn awesome you got to hear Jillian Michaels!!! Of course, all her info is probably stuff we’re aware of, but its good to hear fitness professional tell it straight. There are no short cuts or simple diets. It’s really a lifestyle and you have to be ready for it.
Happy Monday!
It was SO refreshing to hear someone take a no BS approach. I’m sick of all the “magic” pills and diets.
Oh yes. Let’s all be thankful to not be that girl and to be in a happy and healthy place. That’s a great reflection and definitely something to be thankful for. So great that you got to hear Jillian speak. I really appreciate her honesty in saying that there are no secrets or shortcuts to being healthy but that you have to work on it every single day.
That resort looks so beautiful! So does all your food!
So cool that you got to hear Jillian Michaels. Sometimes it’s just good to hear the basics straight.
Uh, and I can relate on being thankful for not being THAT girl. I often experience that when my BF and I walk home from cinema at night and pass by all the drunk teenagers, just starting their night. These moments I am so thankful I can just go home to my bed and have a good sleep and especially an early nice Sunday without a terrible hangover and a 2 days recovery ahead of me 🙂
That’s the best feeling – waking up and feeling GOOD in the morning. I can’t believe I wasted so many Sundays feeling like a$$ in a past life.
LOL I think it’s hilarious that they got drunk and puked at a fitness event! I mean, seriously?! I’m going to a fitness expo next month (and meeting DLB, say what!!!) and I have no plans on drinking. I want to remember every last curve of Dana’s deltoid, haha.
Whaaaat?! Jealous. She’s my idol. Please post about it!!!
Oh the things I haven’t done in a theater… But that’s pretty disrespectful.
I can totally relate to being happy to be home and eating your own food. I LOVE eating out, but sometimes I just want my massive plate of assorted vegetables and want to cook them my way. Your travel meals look great!
I love Jillian’s message except I was disappointed in her a few years ago when she came out with her own supplement. Really? What happened to work your ass off and eat clean?
Puking at a fitness event- classy!
I know!!! She was really good in the talk about telling people not to believe advertising. She also invested in PopChips, but clarified that that shouldn’t be your first choice snack becasue they’re STILL processed.
JM is coming here … I’m not going but loved reading your recap on it! (And, that she wore flip flops too!)
You’re time away looks awesome as do your eats!
My legs are still sore my leg workout on Friday!
2 weeks away now? 🙂
You for sure know all she covered – you won’t miss much. She was a good speaker though!
Dude. I’m still sore too. And I have… errrr… GET to do it again Thursday.
Haha, yes. Cheers to not being that girl. Wow. How embarrassing! I’m glad you and your mama had a good time. She’s so pretty!!! I can see where you get it. 🙂
Thank you so much!!!
and yea.
I still wish I could have been there.
I love Jillian’s no-nonsense approach. I wonder what she would have said to those girls? I am so glad those days are behind me.
I was sooooo sad she didn’t see the girl get sick.
Not a good impression to make with JM at all!
I love that I can go out and run pretty much any distance and finish!
That is such a powerful, string feeling. I love it too. 🙂
Vomit is not what I am expecting at the Jillian show. I hope I don’t encounter that when I see her in St. Louis!
omg why would you feel the need to come drunk to a show like that?! lame
At 5 o’clock on a Sunday no less!! Who’s wasted in a teatre at that time?!
Haha I’m sorry, but that is hilarious! Although I’m really glad I didn’t have to witness it.
I was hoping to see JM too, she’s in my parent’s hometown in a couple weeks but I likely won’t be able to go. But good to know that most of what she talked about was pretty basic – makes me feel like I’m not missing out on much.
I think for the first time in my life, I have a really ‘balanced’ approach to eating and working out. I work out enough (and know what I like and what my body needs) without overdoing it, and I eat relatively healthy but I’m not worried about throwing some ice cream or some onion rings in there too. I feel at peace with my lifestyle, which is a really nice thing.
It was a fun talk, but you won’t miss any new info. Eat clean, exercise, don’t make excuses, believe in yourself. Done. 😉 What was awesome is that she DOES say to allow treats. Just make room for it in your diet (read: don’t do it every day and not exercise ever).
I won’t lie.. As great as everything is on this post, I’m rather proud of you for passing up on the margaritas. I’m not quite sure I would’ve been able to hold back. Job well done my darling, Job well done!!
Girllll… it took EVERY bit of self-control in my body.
I love Jillian Michael’s no nonsese approach to eating and fitness. It’s very cool you got to see her and continue your softball winning streak. I recommend neosporin and vitamin E for that knee. Maybe even a witch doctor. Nah, bag the last one.
Do you think Neosporin actually expires? Mine says 2012…
I used it anyway but it does actually expire. Makes it less effective.
I’m so glad I’m past that point in my life where I would get drunk and embarrass myself at inappropriate places.
I thought of you and your tame birthday weekend. 🙂
Drunk at a fitness event.. that’s a new one haha crazy that she puked! Embarrassing for her.. I totally wish I could get paid millions to tell people stuff like that, too. Wouldn’t that be nice! 😀
Ouch on the knee. That kabocha sounds fantastic to me. I love adding in a little heat like that to something slightly sweet. And seriously? Did the girls get kicked out at least? That’s just nuts!
NO! I was expecting the usher to come down but nothing ever happened.
Please tell me Jillian then addressed consumption of alcohol and how it affects your body?! haha
OMG girl, next time you even THINK you’re going to see Jill, you have to tell me! I’ll be in a car in a split second and on my way! No joke!
PS – um, you could’ve totally told me about the spa trip too…just sayin
Actually, she didn’t touch too much on booze. She was good about saying you CAN have treata in moderation, just work it into your diet plan.
“Cheers to not being that girl.” CLASSIC!! Glad you got to see JM speak….I’d love to one day. She is pretty damn awesome!
Never been a big JM fan, but it is funny that someone puked at a fitness event. How fun to spend time with your mom. It’s a great time to be in Arizona (the weather is similar to ours here, and it’s gorgeous right now).
I like her no BS approach. 🙂
WOW, drunk puking at a fitness and health event is pretty ironic.
Don’t you think? It’s like raiiiinnnn…
Haha moist seabass. Gotta love it! I’m glad it’s in season. I am so ready to grill some fish. If only Pittsburgh would warm up a little bit more 🙂
Also, I can’t believe a girl puked out of drunkness at a fitness event LOL. That’s pretty crazy!
what an exciting weekendddd for you and i love that message from JM – its so important to push ourselves harder each day…i can’t even imagine what those girls were thinking at a fitness event – really ? I love how you shared your eats on instagram .hope your knee feels better.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the IG travel foods posts! It was fun to share it all. 🙂
Hope your knee gets better, ouch!!
Looks like a wonderful weekend getaway!! <3
Happy Monday love!
Yuk! Those girls!
I am very interested in learning more about nutrition for building musce. I eat pretty clean but I lknow I can do better.
sorry – hit submit too soon!
owie knee! well, if it isn’t healed you’ll just look tough 😉 well rounded fitness, right?
as soon as I am possibly able, I am going to get away for a spa-cation. living vicariously until then…
Ummm… it’s in your name. You must take a spa vaca. And take me. 😉
you don’t understand how bad I want that squash back in my life, why can’t i find it anywhere?
You’re in a big city… someone must have squash?! You should just come to ATL. 🙂
First, so jealous you got to see Jillian! I am kinda obessed with her. Love that she is a straight shooter. Do you listen to her podcasts? They’re pretty funny and always informative.
So my favorite part of my journey is all the strength training I’ve been doing because of Best Body Bootcamp. I LOVE IT! And you were absolutely right, consistency is key – seeing so many positive changes already!
I’ve actually never heard her before. I don’t even watch Biggest Loser! But really like dwhat she had to say. 🙂
SO glad you’re liking the strength training!
You are insane and hilarious. And I still owe you a few strangebutgood recipes! And for sure-cayenne, cinnamon, and cocoa are together–try it on ice cream/fro yo and especially in egg white oats (with a little stevia, vanilla and ACV (plus nutmeg if you want)). My go to post workout nosh ( followed by gyog obv)
That is my go-to flavor combo . Have you seen my Mexican chocolateice cream reipe? Or the Mexican Oatmeal? Never enough “hot” chocolate! 😉
You are SO PRETTY that no one will even notice that you have a knee, let alone a knee scrape. Fo’sure.
Awwwww… you’re so sweet. Thank you!!!
Girls came drunk to a Jillian talk? Wow… Yeah, I’m totally thankful that I’m not into alcohol!
Well, it is no magic trick but if you keep neosporin on it and let it breathe, it should heal up before your competition! I can’t believe that girl threw up… how embarrassing!
Drunk at a fitness event . . . to the point of puking?!? No way! But kinda funny, too. I roasted a kabocha squash on Friday . . . oh boy, it was divine. Why is that squash so dang delicious???
Strange but funny? 😉
Whoa. This post suddenly took me to a deep place. Good work. 🙂
I meekly have to shake my head since I do rock out the lame elliptical and magazine workouts. I’m sorry, Jillian. At least I’m not sitting on my butt reading magazines or watching Real Housewives? Right? Maybe?
Once, at Whole Foods, my roommate didn’t see me go grab the Bragg’s from the condiment basket and asked if I had just pulled it out of my purse. If it weren’t liquid, I’d make sure to travel with a small spray bottle of it. [Although maybe I could bring that instead of hairspray…] I also keep meaning to make a shaker of nooch for my bag. Glad to know I’m not the only one with the desire to bring odd foods with you wherever you go. [Do I have honey in my purse and ketchup in my backpack? Maybe.]
Ohhhh…. I feel accomplished now!!!
Haha – I comment on blogs in between sprints. She’d probably hate that. 😉
Between the two of us, we probably have more condiments on us than a Whole Foods salad bar.
And now I learn I have to try sea bass 🙂 I love restocking an empty fridge! Trying to clean mine out this week so I can do that next…and actually “clean” clean it in between. It must be spring if I’m voluntarily planning to clean something…
I finally hired someone to come clean. Best decision ever!!!
I love Jillian Michaels! I’m so jealous you got to see her live! And shame on those girls…so not classy…or cool.
It’s always fun to go to places and try new foods. That’s one of the main reasons why I love traveling! And that cucumber mint mocktail…yes please!
Same here! Thought it’s a little more fun when you can actually eat the foods. LOL!
How fun you got to have that time with your mom! You two look alike and you are both gorgeous! 🙂 Going to see Jillian sounds so awesome too… except for the girl throwing up. How odd….
Thank you so much! Mom and I always have a good time together. 🙂
Looks like you had a great time. I have been wanting to take a little getaway trip somewhere. All of your food looks so freakin’ delish. Love your blog!
It was fun! A nice little break. Thank you!!!
What a wonderful time at the resort – an amazing place or so I have heard from others. 🙂
I love that you share how to eat & live clean no matter where you are!!
That Jillian Michaels thing – OMG! 🙂
I still don’t get how people read & do cardio.. I sweat all over the place. I would have ink all over me! 😉
You would have loved it! And their gym was really, really nice. 😉
Your vacation with your mom sounded so nice!
Did those girls think they were going to see Brett Michaels instead of Jillian MIchaels?!
LOL!!! Seriously!
I’m enjoying challenging myself in a new way. Workouts are hard, but don’t end with me in tears of frustration – which is a great change. And eating weird things — which means I’ll actually have something to share for #strangebutgood (although it’s simple). And booking vacation details for Australia. All good things! 🙂
Yes – there’s no crying in weight lifting! 😉
Ahhhhh… Australia is SO close. I’m totally envious.
The food you have been eating looks delicious! Well done on winning the softball game.
I am a new fan of Jillian Michaels, sometimes the simple messages are the best…and you never know maybe one day you will be paid millions to tell people how to be healthier!
OMG – wouldn’t that be a dream?! Simple and straight forward is the way to go.
I wanted to go see Jillian! I bet it was motivational to hear her in person! I’m definitely in my happy place with my health right now. The road has been long and hard, but I’m feeling great with me right now. I was never the partier/heavy drinker, but I’ve had my share of health issues so finding a place where I feel good when I workout and when I eat, really makes me happy!
Now, that knee needs to heal! Have you tried tea tree oil? That may help. UGH, you need to be careful! You’re such a badass! I love it!
It was really motivational! Even thouh you know the info, it’s always good to hear it again… and from a fitness bad ass. 🙂
Is tea tree oil ok on an open wound???
hahaha. Drinking and puking at Jillian Michaels…wow….wow. I hope I’m old enough to know better. It wasn’t me, I swear.
I thought she looked familiar! LOL! You were keeping it classy at the WK bar. Lucky. 😛
I would have loved to hear her live. Even though she says things we likely already know a lot about, her no BS attitude is always priceless. Unlike puking girl. Ewww.
And PS – looks like we’re staying here. 😉
YAY!!!! Would hate to lose you. 🙂
I just want to see Jillian speak because I think she’s really motivating and empowering. Whether she teaches me something new or not, I’d love to hear her speak in-person and use her energy to revitalize my workouts, diet and life.
P.S. I’m totally that half-assed elliptical reading a magazine girl BUT I also kick it up most of the time, so I allow myself those workouts from time to time so that I’m at least still MOVING even if I’m feeling unmotivated. <-did that even make sense?
I completely agree. She talked some about her background and career too, which was neat to hear.
That makes total sense – moving is always better than NOT. 🙂
My favorite part of where I’m at now is that I’m finally making me a priority – which didn’t happen for a long time!
So jealous of you seeing Jillian Michaels! She’s my favorite person ever. Some people say she’s brash, or mean, or whatever, but I think she’s super motivating and honest. She cracks me up with some of the things that she says!
My favorite line “I want you to feel like you are going to DIE”. (From her 30 Day Shred DVD).
Good for you!!! That’s a huge step!
If you aren’t dying, you’re doing it wrong. LOL! 😉
why i love (you and) jillian: She called people out of their half-assed elliptical-while-reading-a-magazine workouts.
There are days that I hop on a bike / elliptical and watch Netflix. But those are my active rest days. In no way, shape, or form would I ever call that a workout. Moving helps me relax, but I don’t like to move hard every time I do it. It’s like walking, but indoors, on a different machine (with some boob tube).
Also, I read “camel toe inn” …. haha.
I swear, only you can make leftover baked chicken look that good…especially knowing it came out of a ziplock bag! I LOVE the fact that your mom is on Instagram! Mine doesn’t even know what an Instagram is! Lol!
I guess I’m a little (ok, a LOT) late to the party, but how’s the knee? Only thing I would havesuggested would be to make sure it’s stayed moisturized!
Favorite part about being an old fogey? Hmm, how about knowing my limits when it comes to alcohol and NOT puking in public places (anymore)! 😉 Buzz trumps drunk and hungover ANY day! And seriously, Jillian should had made those girls drop and give her pushups (right above the puke!) Ewwww! x-P
My knee… it looks SO bad. Oops. Hoping the spray tan miraculously covers it.
I would have PAID to have Jillian see that a react. So trashy… yet extremely entertaining. 😉