Baby showers require games.
Party games typically aren’t my forte, but I received a brilliant suggestion for a baby shower game:
Guess What the Baby Ate
Yep, I went there.
The game is to line up diapers filled with mushed up candy bars, then have party guests try to guess what candy is in each.
Tip: soften each a bit in the microwave and use the food processor to mix.
Our diapers contained:
- Butterfinger
- Mounds
- Peppermint Patty
- Reeses
- Snickers.
The game got competitive! Guests took to taste-testing in order to win. Baby Ruthless.

These ladies were the winners!
I will never look at my favorite candy bars the same way.
On to more visually appealing foods!
Of the items I made, one of the favorites was a watermelon salad. (I just realized that between the Strawberry Chantilly and the watermelon there’s a bit of a pink theme to this baby boy’s a shower!)
If you glance at much of what I eat, you’ll notice that I love a salty-sweet combo. Watermelon is no different!
This watermelon salad gets it’s saltiness from Cotija cheese.
Cotija a salty, crumbly cow’s milk cheese. Basically, it is Mexico’s answer to feta.
It is great as a garnish on salads, tacos, enchiladas, or simply crumbled on a good tomato with cilantro and pepper. It is also delish on watermelon salad. 🙂
Watermelon Cotija Salad
- 1/2 medium sized watermelon, chopped into 1-inch pieces (~6 C)
- 1/3 C chopped red onion
- Juice from 1 lime
- 3-4 oz cotija cheese, crumbled
- 1 jalapeño, seeded and minced
- 1/2 C cilantro, chopped
- S+P, to taste
Combine all ingredients into a large bowl and serve immediately.
Do you typically play “games” at bridal shower or baby showers?
What are your favorites?
I didn’t do any games at my bridal shower. For my bachelorette party, my friend that planned it asked Jason a bunch of questions and asked me the same questions to see if we answered the same. Stuff like where did you go on your first date.
This salad sound fantastic! Sweet and salty 😀
The watermelon salad looks great(would it be bad to add more than one jalapeno?). The diaper salad not so much. Brilliant idea though!
Actually, if I were making if for myself I’d use 2 serranos. With the seeds. 😉
Yum. I love salty and sweet things like this.
That looks refreshing and delicious! I am going to have to try it now:)
Ha. That’s a funny game; I’ll have to remember that one. As for other games, I liked one from my bridal shower. As I opened gifts, my maid of honor wrote down my comments without telling me. When I was done, she surprised us all with, “Stuff Tiff Will Say on Her Wedding Night.” There were plenty of things like, “Oooo, I needed that!” and “I know just where I’m going to keep this.” Silly girls.
I played that game once at a baby shower.. so creative haha!
Mexican cheese is always good! They know their cheese!
Haha what a funny game! I love watermelon with a little salt and cayenne pepper! I bet cotija would be great with it.
Girl i’ve been craving watermelon soooo hardcore this week! and that salad has me DROOLING!
I will never look at candy the same way… ever… ever… again 😉
OMG I LOVE Cotija cheese!
Have you ever met a cheese you didn’t like? 😉
You are so creative – watermelon and cheese?! Never would have thought of that combo!
I love that game the dirty diaper game!
That watermelon looks delicious… another thing I miss about the south, summer produce in May.