One thing we all want to is stay healthy. However, this may be a bit more challenging to do during the winter months. This is when the cold and flu season typically peaks and you may find it harder than ever to maintain your normal health.
The good news is that you CAN be successful at warding off the germs that tend to crowd the air during this time of year and make you much more susceptible to sickness. Maintaining your health can be as simple as knowing a few specific tricks that will enable your body to stay strong enough to fight off any illness.
Wash your hands
Germs cause sickness. Any doctor will tell you that washing your hands frequently drastically decreases the chances of being ill.
Simply use a mild soap and warm water to thoroughly wash your hands. It’s the simplest thing you can do to avoid having to deal with feeling ill. You will also want to disinfect items in shared spaces (your desk at work, shopping cart handles, etc) for an added amount of protection.
Did you know that getting in your exercise can strengthen your immune system? There are tremendous benefits to going to the gym or simply taking a brisk walk around the block. Taking the time to workout will strengthen your heart and reduce the chances of getting sick when those around your are hacking up a lung.
The key is to find an activity that you enjoy, so that you will continue to do it on a routine basis. There’s not one right way to be fit – you don’t have to be a runner, a yogi, or a body builder. Maybe roller derby is your thing! Take a tennis lesson. Find something YOU love. There’s no one size fits all. Having a gym membership you never use serves no purpose at all.
Interested in learning more? I offer personalized online training and nutrition programs! Check out my philosophy here and fill out the from for more info.
Selecting the right mattress
Sleep is important, and is key to keeping your body healthy. Being sure to get the right amount of rest each night can allow you to have a much better immune system that will ward off getting a cold or the flu.
The right mattress is important to getting high-quality sleep. You’re certain to find a wide variety of mattresses at places like Test a few mattresses to be sure you’ve found the best one for you and will allow you to get the necessary amount of rest each night.
There are also a few sleeping tips that may help you rest better, such as not eating too close to bedtime.
Get vaccinated
You should strongly consider getting the flu vaccine to help you remain healthy during the peak cold and flu season. It was actually mandatory for us to get one when my dad was having chemo due to his compromised immune system. It only takes a few minutes to do, and you can typically get the shot at your local drugstore.
Studies show that getting the shot may reduce your risks of getting the flu by 50%-60%. If you want to ensure you stay as well as possible, this is by far the most effective way to do so.
The good news is there are many things you can do each day to improve your health and your immune system, and may help you avoid the cold and flu entirely. This 100% worth the effort when you can feel your best every single day of the year and not have to take time out being sick.
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In case you didn’t notice, I’m a total germaphobe. I will literally do anything to avoid puking.
Are you a germaphobe?
What is your best tip for avoiding illness?
Is cold and flu season over yet? I typically get sick twice a year, if that…this year I’ve already had the stomach bug, a sinus infection and a handful of colds … that’s what happens i guess when you have a 6 month old in daycare!
Oh wow… I’d cry! I remember that happening to my best friend when her first one went to daycare. Other kids are germ-y!
I cannnnot believe I never ever get sick and neither does the child.
Like I think I was sick maybe once in the 80s?
That said Im a handwashing sleeping fiend in the winter and I DO thin that helps.
Are you for real?! I am a hand washing/sanitizer/everything else fiend and I still get hit like every other year.
I was doing so well…until that last one. No vaccinations this year and I’m not even sure why? I’ll tell you this – – if there was a vaccine for the stomach bug I would be the first in line! I’m living in fear of that sucker right now!!
I’d be right behind you! I haven’t vomited in 3 years… but when I did, I called my mommy. LOL!
I drink heavily. Alcohol kills germs, right? Plus, a) sick friends don’t want to be drinking with you, and b) if you are drunk enough, no one wants to hang out with you, so there you go.
That’s a valid point. A Hot Toddy is the best part of having a cold!
I could so use some more sleep….maybe that’s why I’m currently fighting a cold 🙁
That one is always a struggle for me too!
I’m not a germaphobe but i think living in Africa is what changed me. LOL! Either way, I’ll take your tips bro. Cause you so smart! p.s we just got a new mattress
Dude… if I’d had your experience I couldn’t even imagine…
We are all about the flu vaccine ever since we got the flu in 2010 with our toddler. It was awful! Rest is key during this time of year to help keep the immune system happy.
OMG, it’s Cold and Flu season and this one are the worst seasons ever. I think I say that every year but this year I mean it. I need all the tips you have. I workout every day, I constantly wash my hands, the only thing I’m not doing is getting vaccinated, so I’ll work on that this month.
I agree though! I just saw where the “season” is lasting longer each year too. They’re expecting another wave before it’s all said and done.
I almost never get sick, and I never get a flu shot. I had one in my entire life, and of course that was the year I got sick. Go figure!
Don’t forget staying hydrated!
Yes! That’s a HUGE one.
for me staying hydrated and adequate sleep is very important!
Agreed! I really need to step up my sleep game.
Total germ freak too. I am the one wiping down the airplane seat w a clorox wipe 🙂
Seriously! Those things are toxic. And the trays. *shudder*
Much respect for promoting the flu vaccine!! It is an uphill battle trying to get patients to get it, even when it is free!!!
Crazy right?! I did see two people in CVS getting one last night. Thank god.
I wouldn’t say I’m a germaphobe, but I don’t like getting sick… I’m so thankful that God has preserved me from getting really sick so far this year, and I try to wash my hands a lot and get in some good workouts.
I hope you are able to escape flue season entirely!
VITAMIN D & PROBIOTICS… And of course SALMON – THOSE THREE THINGS are what help me NOT get sick! Yep! I really NEVER EVER EVER get sick!!!!!! I am just sick in the brain at times, but that’s totally different!
I am a total germaphobe especially with the stomach bug. My kids think I’m nuts when I make them take their shoes off at the door so I can Lysol the bottom of their shoes. After school I wipe down their backpacks….hand washing is a must in our household.
Sad thing is last year I had the stomachs bug twice. I usually only get it once every 10 years or so
Ah sleep…what a beautiful thing.
I drink my warm lemon water on the daily to up my vitamin C and ultimately my immune system.