Food is my favorite topic.
When I was my friend Parita @ My Inner Shakti post this quiz about her food preferences… well, I was a little too jazzed to fill it out. Honestly, I probably would have completed it even if I wasn’t going to share it on the blog.
***Warning: there are a lot of yummy junk food-related questions. Do not fill this out late at night near a plate of brownies. Not that I would know anything about that.***
Coke or Pepsi? I quit drinking soda at least 8 years ago… but Coke is far superior to Pepsi.
Lemonade or Fruit Punch? I don’t drink a lot of juice either, but I do love homemade lemonade on a hot day.
Carmel Apple or Cotton Candy? It’s been years since I’ve had either! I have to say the caramel apple wins – that used to be a “treat” for us as kids when my parents took us to the mountains.
Butterfinger or Snickers? Really tough… but I’m going with Snickers. Especially if it’s frozen.
Pudding and Jell-O? No contest – chocolate pudding. I cannot stand jell-o (sorry, Bill Cosby).
Turkey or Chicken? I haven’t had either since Janurary-ish, but I always preferred chicken to turkey. Turkey is always dry!
American or Provolone Cheese? Neither? I like stronger cheeses such as goat, gouda, and really funky blues.
Crackers or Cookies? Silly survey. Cookies > Crackers. Particularly if they are homemade and chocolate. Like these Chocolate Sea Salt Cookies:
Pretzels or Chips? Chips – but they have to be the fancy kind from places like Whole Foods – Sweet Potato or Salt & Pepper flavors are my favorite. No Lays here!
Mexican food or Japanese food? Yet another silly question. I love Mexican. The hotter the better. I even eat it for breakfast in this Raw Mexican Bulgur Bowl:
Chinese food or Italian food? Italian food. In Italy. Did you check out my food and wine tour back in October?
Pie or Cake? Cake. The chocolate kind. Though one of my favorite quotes is about pie: “When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it’s not, mmmmmmmm, boy.” – Jack Handy
Ice Cream or Cookies? It’s seasonal – I love a fresh-baked cookie, but on a hot summer day ice cream wins every time. Either way, it must involve chocolate. 🙂
Pasta or Pizza? Pizza – but it must be “real” Italian-style pizza. No Pizza Hut here.
Soda or Juice? Kombucha!!!
Chocolate Bars or Chocolate Truffles? Truffles. Dark chocolate and filled with something boozy like whiskey ganache. This quiz is making me HUNGRY.
Apples or Bananas? Apples! I love them as a pre-workout snack.
Salad or Soup? Salad… unless it’s really cold outside. Then I want this Butternut-Apple Soup:
Cauliflower or Broccoli? Just a year ago I would have said neither. However, with all of the fun cauliflower recipes floating around the blog-world lately, I’ve caved. I love cauliflower. Still won’t touch the cooked broccoli (raw is ok).
Onion Rings or French Fries? Onion rings of they aren’t too greasy. Fries if they are sweet potato and have a kick to them.
Blizzard or McFlurry? Blizzard! With Snickers. I’ve never even had a McFlurry.
Fried or Poached Eggs? Fried eggs – cooked perfectly and over an english muffin with truffle salt.
Crepes or Pancakes? Pancakes! Can’t beat a fluffy stack covered in syrup green slime protein icing and blueberry sauce:
Hashbrowns or Roasted Potatoes? I don’t actually like potatoes, so I’m going with hashbrowns “well-done” (so you can’t tell they are potatoes) with onions and jalapeno.
Oatmeal or Cereal? Oatmeal. No contest!
Don’t forget to enter my NuNaturals giveaway – there are 4 chances to win the new NuNaturals Orange and Lemon Liquid Stevias! Click here to enter.
How about you? Pick a couple and tell me more about what you love to eat!
Did anyone else watch Dancing with the Stars last night? It’s so weird to see Urkel all grown up!
I’ve never watched DWTS! I didn’t know Urkel was on there! I might have to tune in just once now.
I love this survey. Chances are it will make an appearance on F & S. And I’m right there with you on the pizza. Ever since I went to italy and had the real stuff. I prefer it homemade too.
For real?! I’m embarrassingly into that show.
LOVE this post- as soon as I saw it on Parita’s post, I bookmarked it for next week when I am away! I have to say, I am shocked that you’re not a fan of broccoli…given your green smoothie consumption, I would have guessed you loved it! I love that pie quote although I’m with you on preferring cake, preferably with ice cream!
I know, I know… I do like it raw!
I think I’d answer about half of the these completely opposite your preferences – and I thought we had so much in common! 😉 At least we both appreciate Italia!
That’s so funny! I felt like I wasn answering way to many of them “I don’t eat this anymore but…”
You’re the best, Laura. I loved reading this. 🙂
And I LOVE talking about food. I cherish my friends that feel the same.
And, I’m stealing this for tomorrow!
My answers are going to be almost identical to yours- and I have to say- American “cheese” makes me want to vomit! I’m a goat cheese girl all the way.
Noooo… YOU’RE the best. 🙂
I think I’ve only had American cheese once in my life. That’s probably un-American. LOL!
I answered these all in my head! I might fill this out on my blog tonight.
Might do this at work today to keep me busy!
haha i don’t really like potatoes either so if i eat them, they have to be extra crispy!
Isn’t weird how much our tastes change over time? For most of these questions I had a similar answer as you did, that I don’t really eat either choice anymore! Love me some potatoes though. To me there is no bad potato incarnation, except maybe a raw one.
I know! It’s crazy to think of all the crap I used to eat. Many Snickers and Blizzards have been consumed.
Love your answers! And cookies will ALWAYS trumph crackers…why bother asking?! Ha!
Fun survey! I’m with you on most of them. Coke will always have my heart even though I’m a recovering Diet Coke junkie.
I’m all about french fries (no onion rings here!) and pie though. Pie is a slice of heaven. 🙂
Ahaha I love this! You kinda HAVE to say Coke being that you’re in Atlanta 😉 But I agree with you – Coke wins through and through.
Also? Pizza over pasta. No contest.
Coke IS better, regardless of ATL ties. 😉
Haha – agreed!
I always thought turkey was dry because my mom tends to like to make ABSOLUTELY sure it’s done. 😉 But I’ve found that with a good meat thermometer, it can actually be quite moist and tender!
I don’t think I could ever say no to cereal, but I actually consider myself the “Oatmeal Doctor” since I’ve created so many recipes using it! I can’t go a day without it (well, not often anyway)!
LOL – I love the “Oatmeal Doctor” title.
Hahaha we had ALMOST all the same answers! This was a fun quiz!! I’m glad you decided to share it.
OMG I almost have the same answers to all this question, I don’t drink soda but when I do it is Coke, and it is much superior than Pepsi, and I prefer it to be from a bottle not can, it tastes so much better, I swear!
The glass bottle? Yesssss! It does taste infinitely better. Especially if it’s the cane syrup Coke.
Okay, yeah, now I’m hungry too 🙂 I agree with most of your answers–except I can’t say no to a good pretzel (crunchy OR soft), and I’m not a cake fan. Pie, on the other hand…yup, I’ll take pie heaven. Especially if it’s PUMPKIN pie heaven.
Doh. I did forget about soft pretzels. They win if it’s a good one with spicy mustard!
YES, I completely agree–there has to be some (lots of) spicy mustard involved. Plain yellow just won’t cut it, especially if it’s a quality soft pretzel.
What a fun quiz–we have a lot of food tastes in common. I particularly love mini Snickers as marathon fuel–they have saved me a couple of times.
I’ve heard of people doing that. I wonder if that would pump me up or make me want to go find a couch and embrace my inner fat kid. 😉
I’m also a fan of fancy chips! I don’t buy them very often, but when I do it’s a real treat. I’m kind of shocked you don’t like potatoes though, I love potatoes!
Soup or Salad – and I think you can guess my favorite salad choice. 🙂 Fun quiz, although I’d end up saying neither or “I use to prefer” to a lot of them – haha! 🙂
I had that problem too – I had to go back and edit so I wasn’t just writing a list of stuff I prefer. 🙂
LOVE this quiz – I want to do it too, I just have to fit it in! Loved learning all this about you!
This was such a fun post – I learnt more about you and it was full of fabulous links 😀
Thank yoU!
Choc Chip Uru
So fun! I think I agree with you on pretty much all of these questions!
I’m a glutton so I eat everything…right?? Well not really as I’m much healthier than most people might think. I’d take most things listed first though.
Suuuuuure Glut. We believe you. 😉
Oatmeal! Yes! 😀
Oh my god I’m starving! I agree with all, aside from the fact that I love broccoli! I’m a freak I know!
Love this! I might just have to repost it on my blog next week 😉
Also — I always felt the same way about eggs until I tried a fresh poached egg over spinach and arugula with grilled stone fruit and toasted almonds. Mmm mmm mmm! I need to recreate it in my own kitchen, stat!
you should! it was a fun one. 🙂
i do like poached eggs… and they way you describe that dish sounds incredible!