Does anyone ever look at the Fitness tab?
(Look up. There. On the menu bar.)
Recently I’ve had a few questions that I’ve addressed at one point or another. While I would loooove to think everyone has my Fitness page memorized (I don’t even know what’s there), I realize that’s a lot to look at.
Today for Work It Out I thought I’d highlight a few of the posts that answer some frequently asked questions, and some of my favorites.
Click each title below to link to the detailed post…
1. The Ab Edition
So how do you get abs? I hate to say it… it’s true what they say – abs are made in the kitchen. This post has some specific diet tips to get your abs poppin’.
2. Top 5 Core Exercises
While abs ARE made in the kitchen, a strong core can make daily activities easier, reduces risk of injury, helps your posture, and protects your back. This post has my top 5 favorite moves.
3. No Excuses NOT to Work It out
Think you don’t have time to workout? Think again! No one has time… you have to make time to workout. This post includes ways around barriers, and a few workouts you can squeeze in quickly at home.
4. Tips for Improving Workout Focus
Eliminating wandering thoughts, gym distractions, and general rushing is important to getting the most out of your workout. My tips for purposeful lifting.
5. Work It Out with Supplements
Supplements are an area of mystery for many people. This post details the 5 supplements I take to help keep up my energy, reach fitness goals (i.e. build muscle), and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
6. Healthy Eating on the Road
I travel a lot for my job. This post is how I survived on the road 3 weeks out from my competition, eating 7 meals per day while navigating airport security, conference rooms, and clients. It’s my Top 10 Survival Tips.
7. Attack of the Killer Sodium
This is a soap box for me. Before I needed to start tracking my sodium pre-competition, I had NO idea how much sodium is added to foods – breads, protein powders… even spice blends! A little education, and some idea for making your own spice blends for use on protein, veggies, and beans.
8. Vegan Protein Sources
If you are new-ish to this blog, you may not know that I went vegetarian and then vegan for a hot minute. It made me a lot more creative in the kitchen, and allowed me to answer the common question: “How do vegans get protein?” (Click through for an awesome pin-able grocery guide.)
9. 15 Detox Foods
Many detox “diets” focus on elimination. Rather cutting out foods, I decided to focus on what I needed to ADD to my diet to boost energy and help my body get back on track. This post includes the foods I make sure to add to in when I need a reset.
10. The “No Shit” Diet
This is my favorite post ever. My take on diet (hint: it’s about common sense), Diet 101, my weekly food buys (the most FAQ), flavors adds, and where I shop (you know you wan that peanut flour 😉 ).
This is one of those posts where I wonder if anyone will read it… those always feel like a little leap of faith. Seems to be a common theme lately…
Do you have a Fitness question/area of interest? I need post ideas!
What is your #1 fitness tip? It can be about food, workouts, motivation… anything!
I need to check these out – your travel tips are great! I travel a lot too & your tips are so practical!
Thank you! Check out today too – she is trveling for the first time on a competition diet. 🙂
Great collection! I read many of them, but I need to check out the purposeful lifting one. Though I am very focused in my workouts, I know I can still learn more.
I would love to know how you structure your workouts weeks. How do you split your muscle groups, when and what Cardio and how much recovery etc.
Thank you and happy Tuesday!
That’s a great idea – thank you! I’m doing my own thing as a continue to recover, but I could for sure cover how I structured workouts in “normal” times.
That was not nice posting all of these all in one place ::cough:: I may have just spent quite a bit of time reading all of them : )
xx Kait
You are just a WEALTH of information! Going to read all these posts now 🙂
Thank you! Congrats on the Fitness mag spot. 🙂
great information here! everyone can learn from you!
AHHH this misfit needs more more core core tips.
I think the best piece of fitness advice is don’t believe the hype. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.great post!
That may be the best tip out there! Healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet.
crap i guess i need a fitness tab. Or i’ll just link everything to yours. haha. Love #10, still my fav
You SO need a Fitness tab, sherpa lady.
I’m going to have to re-read some of these! My number one fitness tip (for after work workouters like myself) is to change into your workout clothes at the office. That way, you are not tempted to drive home instead of to the gym. Well, not tempted as much.
That is a really good one! I feel silly driving to my gym from work when it’s 3 blocks away from my house… but I knw I need to go straight there if I’m not feeling motivated.
Abs are made in the kitchen!!! Absolofreakinlutely!!!
Sodium is a huge one that you made me more aware of. I’m so much more mindful about it now.
hahahaha i get so many q’s about things i’ve addressed on my blog, too. or like “what workouts do you recommend?” 🙂
i like this FAQ post. it was fun and a good reminder. 🙂
i definitely preach “abs are made in the kitchen” too 🙂
Right now I’m all about nutrition but that’s more work related. I think my big fit tip is to find what you enjoy. If you don’t like running, you don’t have to do that. Learn to love lifting then find a cardio that makes you smile
SO true! And don’t be afraid to change it. sometimes I want to run, sometimes I want to lift…. and sometimes I want to dirnk wine. LOL!
Love this post! All your info is just so great!
I loved the no-shit diet post, so much more sensible than a lot of the advice out there. Awesome to have all of these resources in one place!
You rock. Thank you!!!
You know I have read them all & love them all especially the no shit diet! 🙂 Your eats on the road will help so many! AND if I could have a dollar for every time somebody still asks me what core exercises will make their stomach flat – AH!!! Food! 😉
I can’t get Twitter to work for me this morn so will have to tweet later..
Thank you, Jody! I can’t wait till someone invent the magic 6-pack abs pill. 😉
Great tips – I am one of those who is guilty of trying to work on my abs everywhere but the kitchen. We try to eat healthy most of the time (not clean – just healthy) and it works for us and for the most part I’m completely fine with my abs – but I know that they could be better if I made even just a few changes.
It’s much easier said than done… I struggle too!
A lot of good stuff to check out all one one page… do you have a post on how to get more than 24 hours in one day? 😉
LOL! When I work that out, I’ll let you know.
So you travel a lot for your job huh? Ever traveling to LA?!?!?!?! Oh sheeet. That would be BRILLIANT!
I may be going to SF more soon… will try for some time in LA! you should just come to ATL. We have fun chefs to interview here too! And Paula Deen is close by. LOL!
I’m not sure if you’ve done this before but it would be great to see a whole week of workouts from you…maybe just one of your more typical weeks at the gym? THANKS!
Oh man… that would be a doozie! Great suggestion though. I’ll work it out. 🙂
I spent a ton of time on your blog this weekend as I figured out how to prepare for my Vegas trip , so I love this recap. I was telling Kirk how helpful your WIAW posts are now that I’m training, I got lots of great ideas. That’s a big reason I’m bringing WIAW back during competition prep on my blog. 🙂
That made me smile. I’m so glad it helped!!! I loved reading your post today.
This is a great post b/c it has a ton of info!! Love posts like these, actually 🙂
You take all those supplements? I take 4. Fitmixer AAs, garlic, Bioastin, and fish oil. 😉
Yes ma’am. And that’s not even the vitamins. 😉
Great link up! I always love when you do informational posts 🙂
Great stuff girl. I don’t have any questions. Just keep it coming!
Thank you!!! xo
Really like your top 5 core exercises post! Very motivating and some great ideas. Thanks!
Thank you!!! A strong core helps you do basically everything easier. 🙂
Definitely bookmarking. I actually love recipes that link to all sorts of things.
Oh man, it’s been a LONG day at work. I meant posts** not recipes hahaha
LOL! I love recipes too. 🙂
I love this post! Thanks for putting it altogether in one spot. And the No Shit diet post is one of my favorites too. Just tell it like it is, girl!
My fitness tip would be just find something (active) that you love to do and do it. Then try to get better at it.
I love that last part of your tip. Progression is a great motivoator!
oh yes we remember the no sh!t diet!!! love that one 🙂 so true.
Love this recap! I was going through some of my posts the other day it is crazy how much great stuff is posted and then lost in cyber space I really need to do something here like you did smart! I would love to hear your take on types of training. Do you cycle power training with strength? Do you play with tempos? Would love to know all that fun stuff!! Hope you have a great week 🙂 love + shine Courtstar
Thank you! Those are great ideas… I’ll get on it. 🙂
I’d love to see a highlights post of yours, too!
Thanks for your help with the BCAAs — I just started using them Monday.
Awesome! I hope you like them. 🙂
I remember most of these posts. Fondly too, I might add.
I have no fitness ideas for you. You’re like the Queen of Fitness, and I’m still working on my one unassisted pull-up. I’m so damn close though.
You will get it!!! I miss doing pull ups. And push ups. Damn twins…