Motivation is a key success factor in a fitness program.
And in life, for that matter.
We aren’t always 100%. That would be super human. When I’m struggling with motivation, I look for things that inspire me. That inspiration gets me fired up to Work It Out.
The need for motivation and inspiration isn’t limited to working out. I seek it out as it relates to recipe creation, work, relationship building, writing… even to fighting off procrastination.
There’s no better way to procrastinate than to surf the web seeking inspiration!
Places I Find Inspiration:
- Magazines – I like Muscle & Fitness Hers, Food & Wine, Gourmet; I rip out the pages of the articles/pis I want to keep. Some are taped to my fridge…
- Websites – In addition to a million blogs, check out sites like Lifehack and Greatist
- Other People – Do you have a boss or friend that has a particularly positive energy? Call them up for a chat!
- Your “Idols” – We all have a few people we want to be when we grown up. I have a couple related to fitness, and a few in the business world. Follow them on Facebook or Twitter; you get a “surprise” tidbit in your feed, and you can
stalk themcheck in to see what they’re up to when you need a boost - Pinterest – Don’t laugh. I have a board just for Inspiration, and I browse it when I’m needing a boost
- Music – You know the song that gets your foot tapping? The one you can’t help but bob your head to? BLAST IT!!!
In addition to my general suggestions, here are some quotes that light a fire under me:
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates
“Your biggest challenge isn’t someone else. It’s the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells ‘I CAN’T’. But you do not listen. You just push harder. Then you hear that voice fade away and start to whisper ‘I can.’ That’s the moment you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.”
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” -Anais Nin
“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don’t ask what seat. You just get on.” -Sheryl Sandberg
I mentioned in my list above that I take inspiration from other blogs. Below are a few recent posts that have made me think:
- Bonnie’s post on body image and her new motto, “Fitness for a Fuller Life”
- Amanda’s 20 Ideas for Socializing Without Food (so timely as I head into competition mode!)
- Thomas, a competitor and trainer at my gym, sent me a link to this post on his blog when I mentioned I was struggling with motivation (side note: dude is a beast)
- Calee is always so good at keeping it in perspective; from her post: “Stop working out like it’s your job… Fitness should work for YOU. YOU should not be working for fitness.”
I also love before and after stories. As hard as the path my seem, there’s always someone who’s come further. #noexcuses
Where do you find motivation/inspiration?
Who are your “Idols” – for fitness, career, life, etc?
Great post! I always am looking for motivation and inspiration in any other way I can in order to get my butt in gear…not just with working out thought. I love looking at blogs, magazines, sometimes even TV, the newspaper. You can almost find some sort of motivation anywhere if you’re looking hard enough.
So very true – the motivation is there for those that seek it!
Pinterest is a big inspirational factor! My friend always find the cutest DIY projects on there. And I have a ton of great at-home workouts pinned.
Love Anais Nin and her quotes. Always a good read, her books.
I have such great DIY aspirations… *sigh(
Motivation is so very important. I often find myself lacking it since I work out at home but I love drawing inspiration from other bloggers, such as yourself!
The second quote gave me goosebumps. I struggle with pushing through the pain but I’ve seen so many maxing women rock through it so I know I can. I just have to remind myself of that quote when I feel that horrible burn! 🙂
Thank you!!! It can be hard at home, but I did it for a log time. The biggest help for me was to create a space dedicated to workouts. When I was in that area, my body knew what I was supposed to be doing.
I actually look to bloggers for alot of my inspiration with working out. My sister would often be inspired by several other bloggers who lift heavy like yourself, Tara, Brittany and a few others, and now that I’ve started blogging, I find inspiration too- although not in a creepy way being a guy and all lol. Then I see the numbers Tara hits and…damn I’m a weak chicken!
Haha thanks Arman! Come over to London and I’ll ruffle your feathers 😉
That I’d like to come watch! 😉
Honestly, 2 of my biggest motivators are the internet+bloggers (which is what got me into fitness in the first place) and re-reading my old entries and remembering what I’ve achieved in the past (as self-absorbed as it sounds). 😛
That’s a great one! I need to do a better job of reflecting back.
I LOVE Pinterest for inspiration and motivation! Me too, I have a board only for that.
I find a lot of inspiration on blogs, but also in friends and my man. It depends what I need motivation on! My favorite motivator is my personal trainer. He definitely knows how to challenge the beast in me 🙂
I can’t believe I didn’t say my trainer! He’s a BIG motivator, crippling my legs and all… 😉
As cheesy as this comment sounds, YOU are a big inspiration to me! I only follow one other blog of a competitor, and I really admire the dedication you both have. Although I did want to compete in figure in the past, I honestly don’t know if I could do it now. I don’t know if I have that discipline to diet/do cardio, especially now that I’m having much more fun throwing heavy shit around.
Apart from you, my main inspirations are Alyssa Smith, Christine Beauchamp and Jenn ‘Streaky’ Yates. If you don’t know who they are, you must find out!!! They are all powerlifters so might not have the same appeal to you as they do to me, although Streaky is preparing for her first physique comp. My lifting partner is a badass beast and can lift almost double what I do on overhead presses, so she simultaneously inspires and intimidates me. Oh and my coach of course, but that’s more of a feeling of shock and awe rather than motivation haha
Tara!!! You really did make my day. You are a huge inspiration to me. I hope to one day be even half the bad ass you are. (P.S. If I had to do cardio I’d fail miserably.)
Do they have blogs?! I want to do physique one day and then maybe on to power!
Aww <3 You are definitely bad ass too!
You bet they have blogs! A turning point in my life was when I stopped reading HLBs (well, most of them, anyway – I just kept the ones I'm particularly fond of in my reader!) and started reading up on serious lifters.
This is Alyssa's blog, which is mainly just a training log (prepare to feel humbled – her weights are GINORMOUS):
Christine's blog is here: She used to have a different blog, but doesn't update so frequently anymore. Much more active on FB!
Alyssa and Christine are both only 19/20, which makes me feel like a complete pussy in comparison. Here's me boasting about a 255lb deadlift when they're doing 500+!
Streaky's only on FB, but she's probably the most important one for you to follow!
Prepare to lose hours of your life worshipping and admiring…. haha
i find TONS of motivation from blogs!! yes, some from pinterest, but mostly from bloggers who i really “know”
Blogs likes yours 🙂
The feeling is mutual. <3
Ooh good resources there for inspiration! I, too, have a pinterest board 🙂 but music, as you say, often does it for me, too.
great posts! we find inspiration and motivation all around us — internet makes it easy 😉
we love reading quotes or reading something to get us going, as well as a good song!
What DID we do before the Internet?! 😉
Honestly, some bloggers have been a bit overwhelming in the fitness area. I have a fine line when it comes to what is inspiration/motivation and what is overwhelming in that area and the online community. I love working out so fitness is never an area that I need to be pushed. Although, I do find my clients to be incredibly inspirational. Music is a HUGE motivation for me to an embarrassing degree sometimes…
Totally agree. I just cleaned out my feed today, actually. You made the cut. 😉
I love the courage quote – so true! As cheesy at it sounds, my inspiration comes from within. I try to focus on what I’ve accomplished so far and what I know I’m possible of accomplishing in the future. That’s what keeps me going!
Your attitude is amazing – you are a big inspiration. 🙂
Other bloggers are definitely a huge inspiration for me – seeing what others can accomplish and the sort of numbers they can hit is awesome. Also, Pinterest for quotes. Seriously a lifesaver when I need some inspiration and motivation!
Great Post! I go through cycles of being super motivated and then just completely in the dumps. You just have to keep picking yourself back up again. Do what works for you and stick to it as much and as often as possible.
“Do what works for you and stick to it as much and as often as possible.” <--- LOVE this!
I need my clients to read those quotes! Thanks for sharing.
LOVE this post, the quotes you used – especially the old lady! 🙂 & the links!!! Really gives one a lot to think about..
I get my motivation from a lot of sources.. but with age, much of it comes from wanting to NOT have others take care of e as I get older… this is what happens when you hit the 50’s & so many of the loved ones are gone – it gets real…
Thank you, Jody! That old lady is my super hero. 😉
Great list – I love before and after transformations, they are definitely motivating!
After a nice rest,sometimes the rest seems like a better idea. The best of both worlds is ideal. 🙂
I love before & after stories. And watching shows like Extreme Makeover – Weight Loss Edition inspires me because when they run a marathon then I tell myself that I should push harder!!!
I think the internet – blogs & Pinterest are both great sources of inspiration, too!
Did you see it this week?! That woman’s story rocked!
Nope – still waiting for me on DVR!!! Hopefully over the weekend I can catch up.
Music and pinterest for me too!!! Music especially. Nothing makes me want to hit the gym like some serious beats. Sometimes I even wait to listen to newly released albums until I get to the gym just so I have the motivation to go lol!
New music is a great motivator! And new clothes.
Motivation is huge for me, as I think it is for most people! Motivation is different for everyone as it can be weight loss, getting a new PR, lowering bp and so many more things. I love looking to pinterest for motivation on days when I feel I need a little extra push.
I often get gob-smacked in the most unusual places! It’s all about perception and staying open to positive energy for me.
Inspiration can come from anywhere! I find you very inspiring!
Thank you so much, Elle!!!
I love motivational quotes that encourage you to a) realize/ be grateful that you can work out, b) improve yourself, or c) overcome obstacles. Something like the long quote (“your biggest challenge…”) is super motivational to me! My fitness idol is Kara Goucher … I KNOW that anyone we think is “perfect” is definitely not and has their own issues, but in my mind she is just super cute, and spends every day running, sleeping, eating, and relaxing happily with her family :).
I have an inspiration pinterest board too – no shame!! 🙂
Thanks so much for the shout out!! what a great round up! I am amazed at how much inspiration I get from fellow bloggers
That post couldn’t have been timed better! My nutritionist just told me no booze even on cheat meal day. Argh. Will you come be social with me???
I find motivation in music. It always gets me pumped up, plus I’m a wee bit competitive. That helps. It’s weird, but I don’t actually have any fitness idols. I’m happy just being me, although I do love me some Jillian Michaels.
Jillian is hot. A little nuts, but all the cute ones are.
Music is definitely a big motivator for me and as corny as it may sound, sunshine! I can hardly keep still, let alone stay inside when it’s nice and sunny outside…which doesn’t really explain how the heck I’m sitting in my hotel room right now when I have a beach about 20 feet from the door, but hey, I’m catching up with my favorite girl right now…and my coffee’s not quite finished! 😉
Love the quotes and I will DEFINITELY be checking out that post from Bonnie!
Same here! It finally quit raining here. I almost cried I was so happy.