Who’s sick of my repetitive posting?
I know I am!
Today we have my friend Kat back (see her intro post here) to talk about how she fits it all in. As I said before, she may be the only person I know who’s even busier than I am. Today she has so great tips on how she does it all, and encouragement for those of us who struggle to stretch (I have TERRIBLE discipline here!).
Meanwhile, I’ll be eating asparagus and packing for this weekend’s competition! And packing my post-competition treat of choice:
$15 nut butter. I think I earned this one.
I’ve been so excited to post again! Ever since my first post, I’ve been brainstorming, writing down ideas, taking pictures of my food and random self portraits, like me in a mirror at the Stonewall Bar Association Awards dinner on Thursday night (who am I?).
I have a TON to share with you guys, but I will have to pace and limit myself. Really, I should write a novel, but who has the time!?
If I learned anything from my 30-day-challenge, I learned it was super hard to fit in as much running as I like while doing at least one yoga class a day. Solution? Yo-RUN-ga.
Yes, running incorporated with yoga. I had to run commute the 5-ish miles to and from yoga, or show up to yoga about 30-45-minutes early, throw my mat down, and go for a short run. I also made a couple of run dates immediately after yoga to make sure I fit them in. I had to cut back to running about 40 miles per week during the challenge, but I would be insane without running. As most of you know (and some have pointed out), you make time for what’s important.
Like I tell my sister when I give her a pep talk, you don’t have to run/walk/workout/lift for an hour to get a workout. You can spend 15 or 30 minutes, and you’re still beating someone who is sitting on the couch!
A friend of my from my Ultra-running group, GUTS, had a status update one day that said “Yo-RUN-Ga”… I didn’t get it.
My thoughts exactly: “I would never do yoga. I don’t like it, I don’t have the patience for it.” (Editor’s note: That is my sentiment toward yoga!) And look at me now!
What changed? That friend who started to yo-run-ga got me to come to her yoga studio, Atlanta Hot Yoga (yes, all the classes are hot, even the flow classes—I don’t like classes that aren’t hot). I started on a 20-day Groupon, and I was HOOKED! I realized that yoga is really great for ANY athlete. I was stretching for the first time (a lot of runners are notorious for lack of stretching), I was sweating my ASS off (a clean sweat), it caused an increase in my metabolism, an upping my immune system, and I was “coming down” for a minute. Honestly, it’s an escape, where I just think about my breath, and not my go-go-go lifestyle.
I also set an intention as part of my practice, which helps me to work on things I typically wouldn’t just work on—patience, seeing beauty in myself and others, accepting imperfections, getting out of my comfort zone, “just being here”—sitting with a feeling that might be uncomfortable and accepting it, and being grounded and strong.
Besides, run-commuting to yoga, work, and various other places, one of the other major time-savers that I practice is one-chore-a-day. I don’t know when or how it started but it works!
I almost never have to clean my whole apartment. (Editor’s note: Good… can you come clean mine?) Sometimes my one chore is as small as picking up my bedroom, emptying the dishwasher (my least favorite chore ever), a load of laundry, a quick sweep of the floor. If you make a decision to do ONE chore a day, whenever you do a bigger clean, it is much more manageable and takes far less time. Cleaning the bathtub is a prime example of something that if you put off too long will take twice the amount of time. (Soap scum gets stickier over time, doesn’t it!?!) I get to mine at least once every week and a half, and it takes me about 5 minutes to thoroughly clean.
This really helped me last weekend when I had to go to three yoga classes, shop for a bridesmaid dress for my cousin’s wedding, attend a wedding in Tennessee (my beautiful friend Kelly is a WIFE!!), and still get all my school work and other work in! Yay for a clean kitchen and freshly mopped floors! Although, what I really need to do is give my cats a bath! Seriously, they’ve been giving me the, “Mom, we need some more attention, please,” faces all too frequently lately!
I am already looking forward to my next post! You have no idea the amazingness of the 15-page single-spaced Word document with ideas that has accumulated on my computer! All fun stuff! I hope you want to tune-in again!
In the coming two weeks, I will be dog-sitting for a friend, taking the MPRE, going to Arizona to bridesmaid for my cousin’s wedding, writing a 14 page paper and a 35 page paper, and still going to class and working. AYE!!!!! But I seriously love the way I feel when I get it all done! Yay for sleep! (Editor’s note: And having a celebration dinner with me!!!)
Kat’s Questions:
What keeps you sane when you are busy? Running? Comfort Food?
What is your least favorite chore?
Have you ever tried something you didn’t think you would like and end up loving it!?
Are you totally excited to hear about Laura’s competition next week!?!??!
Yo-Run-Ga is brilliant. Such a great idea. Exercising and yoga definitely help to keep me sane when things get busy because they force me to be present in the moment and they help to quiet my mind (at least for a little bit!). I didn’t think that I would love yoga the way I do when I first tried it. I’ve learned to keep a pretty open mind about new experiences now.
I have learned the same! It’s so true! I love that I feel more present in and out of yoga. Also, it’s taught me to have fewer expectations about what something will be like, and not to judge experiences before they happen
I really need to give it another shot. I could use some sanity in my life…
it took me almost 43 years but I too found my YOGA LOVE.
🙂 You go girl! I bet the journey to get there was pretty awesome too though. Glad we share the love of yoga! 🙂
I also find it important to incorporate exercise into my routine, ie biking to work, etc. it is part of my day and actually more efficient than taking the subway!:)
Yes! That is so my style. It’s a great way to start the way with a positivity and feel-good-ness
I wish I could do that! I avoid my car whenever possible.
I definitely agree that yoga adds a lot to running. once you can figure out how to slow down your mind it’s amazing how you can benefit from both the crazy hard core run and the slow restorative yoga
Like x10! Match made in heaven. 🙂
Life is crazy busy and yoga and running are my go to for sanity.
🙂 great minds think alike!
Yoga and I have a love/hate relationship. I love what it does for my body, but I hate how inflexible I am. I love it for about a week, and then I hate it for about a month. Our relationship = “It’s Complicated”
Love that chalkboard image though – so true!
Lol! I am with you on the “love/hate” with some things.. and the “it’s complicated.” That brought me some HUGE smiles. But that IS where the magic happens sometimes. 😉
Hahaha – that is the most brilliant Facebook preference option.
YES!!! Hot yoga, bikram, flow….they are so awesome aren’t they? I cannot express enough to people how great it is. It allows a great stretch but you are also working your muscles and you get great results AND you help calm your mind and soul. Great post! Just love it!
Huge compliment! 🙂 thanks!!
I LOVE yoga in general, but as a runner I definitely find it important to help me stretch out post-run. If I run on the treadmill, I’m pretty good about doing a quick stretch after but when I run outside, I come home and then immediately sit down or continue on with my day.
But when I first really got into yoga, I did a 30 day straight yoga challenge (from buying a Groupon). To this day, one of the best things I ever did! 🙂
Yay to another 30-day challenger! That is awesome! Can you relate to this: the first two weeks were super hard, and at about mid week-three it just felt good and normal and not so much of a burden?–then later feeling like your whole life was a bit brighter and more manageable. AWESOME. 😀
ps- i totally relate to the stretching at the gym but not at home! ME too.
I need to stretch… One day I’ll learn.
Love this post! You make me want to try yoga again! I’m not the biggest fan because I’m a bit too hyper for it but I think if I go into it as more of a stretch than maybe I’ll enjoy it!
Yes, i thought i was too hyper too! Try running before hand as a start! 🙂 get out some of that good energy first! I encourage you to try it again!
Thanks for the compliment by the way! So new to blogging, so people who love it make me happy!
That’s my problem too! I am terrible at relaxing. It takes too much time. Lol!
Great post! I absolutely hate folding laundry. My husband doesn’t mind it, so because he’s “so good at it” folding laundry is his job! And I’m going to my first yoga class in over 6 months tonight! So excited. My intention is going to be to focus on the present and let everything else just flow through me. You have no idea how much I need it!
Great intention–LOVE it! Lucky to have a husband for the laundry! 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
This basically sounds like my relationship with yoga. I’m a runner too, and I’m having a hard time fitting all of it in (actually have a post scheduled about it tomorrow). I’d love to run to yoga, but I have to bring my mat/towel, so that doesn’t really work for me. I did drive out there early a couple of times and run before (only works on the weekends b/c they have 5:30 classes M-F and I get off work at 5).
Also … Laura, you earned that whole jar of nut butter. In one sitting. Though, I don’t know if I could do that as my stomach just turned thinking about it.
Scheduling yoga classes IS tough. I mostly run on the weekends or to later (6:30 or 7:30pm) classes. My studio lets me rent a mat for free on the days I run (it’s usually a dollar) because they can’t believe I ran to yoga! haha!
I will tune into your post tomorrow! 🙂
Also, I literally decided to implement the clean for 10 minutes a day rule this week. Hilarious. We are totally on the same wavelength.
I might start campaigning for my yoga studio to donate a mat to those who would like to run commute to the studio.
Side note: if you guys ever met, you’d be best friends.
I have this love hate relationship with yoga. I’m slowly getting back into liking it again! I’m in no way a runner though, a spinner though. How about yo-spin-ga for me;) I do love meditation though, it has completely changed my mindset for the better, and I think made me a calmer and better person in general!
yo-spin-ga sounds awesome too! That is also sometimes on the agenda! I would die without my bike some days! I haven’t done a spin class in ages. You are inspiring me to get back to the regular gym for a class!
Yo-spin-ga has a nice ring to it!
I love running! I used to be an asthmatic with excuses…I’m now running 14 miles max at once and around 30 a week training for half marathons…getting out of your comfort zone breaks through plateaus!
Girl, you are a ROCKSTAR! I love break-throughs like that, and overcoming what feel like giant obstacles. You are an inspiration!
Wow! That’s so inspiring!
I am loving your posts! The one chore a day tip is fantastic! I love yoga but rarely make time for it. I need to get back to it! This is great motivation to do so. Thanks Kat!
Carol! Thanks so much! 🙂 I hope you do! Let me know how it goes. I hope it makes you feel fantastic (and like business is more manageable).
I love lifting and yoga and I dislike washing the floors! lol
Floors are the WORST!
I’m so excited for you and the competition. My favorite chore is organizing. I hate vacuuming all the dog hair up in our house.
Organizing? Can you come over? 🙂
Good luck this weekend!!! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!: )
what a great post, i love reading this. i need to do more yoga so this runner girl loves this!
AW! Thanks for the compliment!! I really appreciate it! 🙂 *blushing*
I hate dusting, that is absolutely my least favorite chore. However I do like the one chore a day, maybe if everyone in my house (there are 5 of us) could do one the house would never be dirty.
I am very excited to see how Laura’s first competition goes but also excited for your next post. So glad that Laura has introduced you to us all.
I’m excited about Laura’s competition too! (and going out to eat a REAL meal with her after). Thanks for the comment! …I sure wish I had 5 people to do one chore a day! 🙂
I could use an extra 3 too!
I seriously need to give yoga a shot!! I HATE to vacuum. I rarely have to clean my whole house either. I make sure that every time I leave a room I have something in my hand to put away or whatever that way things are always straight!
You should give yoga a shot… although i have to say it has a lot to do with finding an instructor that works for you. I don’t like everyone’s class… certain people just work my body the right way and say the right things. Hope you do find someone that helps you. It’s like the cheap version of therapy!
Yo-Run-Ga is so gorgeous my friend what an awesome idea thank you! And definitely you need to make the time 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
I love that comfort zone visual. Thanks for sharing!
I made that my screen saver!
Laura, gooood luucccck! Kat, welcome back!
I stay sane with running even though it hurts. I also stay sane with lots of Vietnamese pho…my comfort food of choice 🙂 . My least favorite chore has to be cleaning the toilets….oh god.
Yes to the pho! And ick to the toilets. Cleaning the shower is the only thing I hate more.
Meditation and most recently Pilates help me stay sane, especially since life is way too busy right now. Worst cleaning chore: toilets. I can’t handle dirty bathrooms and my Hubby is responsible for keeping those clean. Thank god for him.
Yoga is something that I never thought I would like either, but once I got a few classes under my belt and stopped comparing myself to THAT girl who can touch her forehead to her shins, I really enjoyed it. It takes a lot for me to quiet my mind and get the most out of each class, but I do my best. Sadly, I haven’t been to a class in months now. Hopefully that will change soon though as I just spotted an actual STUDIO not 10 minutes away from my house (the classes I normally take are out of my gym)!! I will definitely be looking into prices and class schedules soon so I can get my yoga-groove back!
Least favorite chore: folding the clothes! I swear they stay in the dryer for WEEKS sometimes! Lol
Working out or sometimes just taking a walk outside helps keep me sane. Life can pick me up and take off sometimes, but I try to remember not to loose sight of myself through it all.
Love your post, Kat! And you are such a cutie!
I’m the same way with the laundry. I “fluff” it at least 3x. Ask Linday to tell you about how she got out of laundry folding…